Quote from Sponge :I was wondering if someone would want to render this (private) skin for me I made it a while ago for my personal team If possible with a nice "racing" or "pits" scene.. but just a plain white background would be good too.

Many thanks in advance!

Quote from Dawen :Hi...

I just saw this thread and I really would like a nice background for my desktop with my drift skin. Can someone please help me with that? I have a prt scr from the game on my desktop now but my computer sucks to so I have a hard time getting a nice picture with motion when I use higher graphics settings.
Is there any possibility to redner my skin and add some drifting motion like its going sideways with smoke?
I would be really thankful if someone could do that for me

edit... ohhh by the way... I really would like it in 1280*1024
edit... again... black rims with chrome edge would be nice too that´s how I drive it in LFS

Doing both now.
Quote from LineR32 :Doing both now.


(ps. would it be possible to get it at atleast 1280x800 minimal?)
Quote from Sponge : thanks

(ps. would it be possible to get it at atleast 1280x800 minimal?)

Rendering it now at 1280x1024, garage scene.
Quote from Dawen :NIIIICE

here's yours.
Attached images
Quote from LineR32 :Rendering it now at 1280x1024, garage scene.

here's yours.

Wow .. thats really cool... thanks alot dude...

Is it possible to make effects like smoke and speed in a renderprogram? Or is that something for photoshop
If its not to much to ask... is it possible to make another of mine with the door and trunk closed and with a bit more angle on the front tyre so I can try to photoshop it to make it look like it´s drifting?...
I really like this version too... this will be my desktop at home but I really would like a drifting version for my computer at work
Adding smoke to the scene will increase the render time, but there's someone who was doing the drifting scene a while ago, go back a few pages and try PM'ing him/her when you find out who it is.

Here's yours Sponge, dunno what's going on with the headlights, I checked the textures and none of them are wrong or out of place.
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That's odd indeed.. but very nice anyway Thanks a lot!

Ps. also noticed the front wheel going through the top of the fender..

Ps2. Would any one be willing to do this (private) F08 of mine too?
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Quote from LineR32 :
here's yours.

Wow it really fits nice as a background on my computer at home... my colors matches perfectly with your render... and it´s really nice to have a clean backround... this is how it looks at home... Thanks again....
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Quote from LineR32 :Adding smoke to the scene will increase the render time, but there's someone who was doing the drifting scene a while ago, go back a few pages and try PM'ing him/her when you find out who it is.

Here's yours Sponge, dunno what's going on with the headlights, I checked the textures and none of them are wrong or out of place.

I think the reflection in the window on the car isn't right, but other than that i think you did a great job.
Hmm... LineR32... is it possible to get another render exactly like the last one... same angle and everything... but with this new skin... I saw some things in your render that I don´t like about my old skin that I didn´t see with my crappy graphics settings in lfs

It would be really nice if you could do one more...
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Quote from Boekanier01 :
I think the reflection in the window on the car isn't right, but other than that i think you did a great job.

It's not my scene and i'm guessing there's an HDRI in it that is causing that reflection on the glass.
Quote from okijuhans :http://pes.pri.ee/sponge/Sponge2.JPG

Sponge, my friend, hope you like it.

Driver needs to be smaller, that engine wouldn't get enough air with his head blocking the intake.

Use this for refference
http://www.f1fanatic.co.uk/wp- ... _magnycours_2006_1024.jpg
Hmm LineR32 did you see my post 3 posts above yours?
Or does it take long time to render a picture at 1280*1024?
It would be really great now when I have fixed the issues with my old skin... pleeease....
I made another to Sponge already. Thanks for reply anyway.
Quote from Dawen :Hmm LineR32 did you see my post 3 posts above yours?
Or does it take long time to render a picture at 1280*1024?
It would be really great now when I have fixed the issues with my old skin... pleeease....

I did see them, but i've been busy all day and wont be able to do another render untill tomorrow at the earliest.
hopefully this is the last time i work on my FZR.
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FZR_Rappa Z.jpg
Quote from LineR32 :I did see them, but i've been busy all day and wont be able to do another render untill tomorrow at the earliest.

Hehe... that´s no problem I just wanna to be sure you saw the post
hello everybody, my patience with instalation of 3d max and brasil was at an end, so I would like to ask somebody of one render in whatever scene.

many thanks
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Quote from Electricwolf :here are your render

Can you please tell me what program do you use to rander the skins?

thanks.. cya
Render Plz

Render My Skin
(9835 posts, started )