I was saying to a friend of mine last night after some drama I had ducked out of. That people forget to give when they go online. In real life if you walk through a door you'd hold it open for the next person. Online we seem to forget that. We just go straight for the sweer words.
But sim racing is built on giving. The CTRA, and every other server out there, is setup not as a business but a giving enterprize. There are a lot of people in sim racing who are willing to give, maybe not servers or X-Systems and what have you because that's not their remit, but they will give a bit of courtesy - right up until their patience is exhausted by bumps, taps and spins.
This thread shows it, a hissy fit prima donna but then look... Tips and advice follow.
We're a giving community here in LFS and we're built upon the concept of being kind to each other. We'd all do well to remember that when we're about to blame driver X for an accident that, in truth, we only think is most likely to be their fault and that's mostly on the grounds of not thinking it was our own fault.
Of course, not everybody is a giver. Some are not able to extend courtesy or to do anything that isn't in their own self interest. We can't give such people an epithany or make them into something they are not, but I can say "ner ner na ner ner you're banned" but you all know the report feature so I want go into that here.
Enjoy the racing this weekend guys