First of all grats smurfan nice job finding this out very useful for realistic lock for drifting XRT i read the manual and folowed instructions carefully yet it still dosnt work could u pm me?? and explain what im doing wrong
Make sure you go back on the track (leave pitting mode) everytime when you do Search with C-O-M.
I can change the minumum speed for the TC (on BF1) to O kmph. So you have always TC, except when car is moving backwards. Not very usefull or realistic, but .
Negative wing angles won't make a car fly. They'd be so inefficient outside of their design parameters that they'd produce drag, drag and more drag (which isn't properly modelled in LFS anyway, because it doesn't need to be).
Plane wings don't suddenly produce downforce with a slightly negative angle of attack, so why should a car wing produce lift with a slightly positive AoA?
Hey, the lock thing worked but I keep doing the same thing with the suspension but doesn't work . I made sure that the rear suspension was an original value (different from any other setting) but after I repeat the steps a few times, it tells me "I didn't find it, please make a "new search". Just wondering, is it possible to mod hp, torque and weight? because I've been itching to try 1300 hp in the BF1
it is very bad, because its something to do with me, although it isn't called harjun, its mine, i gave him the licence, thats why he still likes his account, plus it has his own reputation, and his own posts
It's very likely not possible to use negative values on fields that normally work with positive-only numbers. I'm pretty sure Scawen is clever enough to use unsigned data types for non-negative fields (like the weight addition is an unsigned byte).
That's also the reason why huge numbers won't work (or screw up the game), the maximum value of a single byte is 255, so the maximum added weight for example is 255 kilo's. If you go beyound 255, it will overwrite the next byte in memory, which will probably break something (or even crash the game).
You are most probably right, I wanted to 'Set' a very high value for added weight and I saw ingame that it also affected 'Air intake restriction'. However, there are some items which can have higher values then 255, like the brake force for instance, those may have values up to 64k or from -32K till 32K