The online racing simulator
longer lasting tyres for drifters
I think it would be good to have longer lasting tyres fro the drifters. and if a track could be made for the demo users. just for drifting
In real life they don't use magical tyre compounds that endure the huge amount of stress lap after lap. There's no reason why there should be a special super compound (or a possibility to disable tyre wear & temps) in LFS.

With a license you get access to tracks that are fun to drift through, especially running in reverse direction. There's no need to make things for people who wont buy a license.
Real drifters don't need spesial tyres, so why should you?
I haven't checked, but if R4s last longer, you could make a slickmod host.
Quote from Bruce Lee :... and if a track could be made for the demo users. just for drifting...

And maybe a oval, just for oval racing.
And a GTR car, just for racing GTR's in oval
Oh, and a formula car - just for racing a formula in the oval.
And a Longer twistier track, just for racing...

u could go on and on!

Sorry Bruce, but a demo is a demo to give u piece of a product, u gave nothing to play around with the demo, so why do you think you can wish something?

Be satisfied with your demo content, or buy the full version, it's worth.

Why are there always these internet guys who think they get all for nothing. Nowhere in the world you get really quality work for nothing. So, if you like LFS pay back your credit and buy S2

Quote from Warper :so why do you think you can wish something?

Wishing is free, demanding costs you 24£
Quote from Lautsprecher[NOR] :Wishing is free, demanding costs you 24£

Thought about that too, but scawen said some time, that we can only wish something, we can't demand. Because, at some point - they decide what to putt in the game and what not. So, if we aren't allowed to demand, demo racers aren't even allowed to wish. Logic, right?
Well, both us licensed and the demo racers can wish something, it's just that the demo racers are about 100% less likely to recieve something

Back to topic: the normal tyres last plenty for drifting. I've just seen some replay of two laps constant drifting on the oval (). AFAIK the drift races IRL don't last many laps either so you'll have to go with what you've got.
#9 - ajp71
Maybe road_normals would last longer but not much longer,

'drifting' is a completely pointless exercise just like 'ricing' (sitting in Halford's car park all night trying to blow your engine up)

I can understand why people like the former, but not the latter, anyway try this thing called 'racing', if you buy GPL you can master master all 3 of these disciplines at the same time (well actually I suppose the 'ricing' bit only really happens after your your rods have fired through the block and are making a bid for freedom a few hundred yards behind you )

Note - that was a light hearted explination to why you can't drift for ever, few of those who are into drifting complain about this because they know LFS is realistic and like us 'grippers' thats why they race (or drfit) LFS. If you want lurid angles of drift all day long you'd be better trying one of the console 'sims' like GT4 or PGR
Well, 'racing' is pointless then too. Why do we like 'racing'? Because it provides enjoyment for us. Why do they like 'drifting'? Because of the same reason. Simply saying it is pointless is wrong IMO.

I can understand if it's pointless to you, that is probably because you aren't enjoying 'drifting' (neither do I). It's a valid point for you, but saying it's generally pointless doesn't make any sense.
Err yep 'racing' is a completely pointless activity too, it's just like 'drifting' without going sideways with a greater cahnce of 'ricing' your engine and more expensive than drfiting, what I was trying to say in my first post was that like any form of motorsport drifting was essentially an expensive waste of money for the sake of having a laugh, sorry if that didn't come across in my post
Racing is getting round a track fastest over a period of time/laps.

Drifting is about losing speed in the corners, and looking like a wally in the process.
Nah, tires are nto meant to last that long for drifting, it just means you need to pit every couple of laps.
What makes you think drifters don't try to make a fast lap time either? These are all opinion based topics, so nothing can be facts wether you want it to be or not. Drifting is somthing thats fun and also, I've heard from many people that drifting is alot more challenging than regular racing.

About the loosing speed in corners thing, in regular racing people loose corners also to prevent going off the track or loosing traction. So wouldn't that just make them a "wally" also? Drifting is just another motorsport that has evolved through the times, maybe not the best thing in the world, maybe, but it would soon enough. Mostly drifting is used as a side sport, somthing to do whenever you wanna just mess around, but it has been taken professionally too.

Now, looking at the history of racing, I beleive that the whole concept came up from moonshine bootleggers getting away from the cops. That also evolved oval racing. Somthing like that evolves from such a non-civil action. Turn into somthing so "miraculous" thing called racing, yet drifting evolved from just loosing traction while racing. Soon enough to be the whole point of the sub-racing. Which then ended up into being another motorsport.
Well theres my 2 cents.

Edit: Annnnd we've gotten WAY off topic...but maybe until the community could start modifying the game alot more. Then the community could make a tire made for drifting, but that wouldn't be realistic because as mentioned above, nobody uses a drift specific tire.
Quote from tristancliffe :Racing is getting round a track fastest over a period of time/laps.

Drifting is about losing speed in the corners, and looking like a wally in the process.

What is a wally? I only know Wally from Dilbert

Aww, cmon. Are you trying to change this into a pro/contra drifting argument? This won't end well, trust me. If you want a heated "discussion", try to explain to Dethred how the "# of ppl playing S2" counter on works :rolleyes:
Their fine as it is. I can drift 2 straight laps on KY gp long rev with some effort, and no one said it would be easy
@ Fallen Reaper - you made a comment about drfiters trying to drive fast, they don't because whoever drifts the least is going to be quickest. Part of the reason for the disapproval IRL is many feel that they have no respect for the speed they travel at, several scrutineers have mentioned them, thinking they be safe with just a helmet and road belts in cars they spent thousands on modifying, then they all seemed shocked when a car hit the tires at 60 mph and the driver and car weren't miraculously OK, unlike in a Playstation game and to those who've had the job of picking up the pieces for years this latest Playstation generation seem hellbent on reversing the years of progress they've made. I personally agree, no new car should enter a competitive arena without full harnesses and a roll hoop for practicality in cars that are actually driven on the road (very few) or a full cage for a car thats used just for racing. In the end of the day £500 to save your life is a small price to pay.
I am NOT a drifter, but sometimes I enjoy listening good music from the "car stereo" and drifting hours around SO_Town with a modified Bob's road going setup and XRT/ LX4 / LX6/ FZ50 / RAC... (single player, free practise)

..And I have NO problems with tyres at all. Have to pit once every lap though, but I find it realistic enough.

Spend the money your mum gave you for christmas and buy a license!

In all honesty it does seem that LFS currently does have a rather big grip dropoff with temperature that I doubt is there in reality, edit, or they heat up too fast..

I also think drifting is rather pointless, but its a nice test of 'extremes' and the tyre model should cope with it well, making it an acceptable thing to try and do in LFS imo

I'm no expert on drifting but it seems I can heat the rear tyres of the fz50 in less than a lap to the point where they have no grip at all which I doubt is totally realistic. Edit: The few drift video's i've seen seem to last more than one lap with no real change in car behaviour.
we shud hav teh intal d carz on lFs
New LFSW stat: this is the 4,884,746th thread that's degenerated into a drift/grip argument after being started by a drift-specific request
...which the argument was started by yet another anti-drifter GPL uber racer...

Drifting has been going on for decades, it didn't become so well known until the D1 Grand Prix started.

Respect drifters! It's not easy to control a 300+ HP turbo car riding on snappy suspension and sliding at a 65 degree drift angle through a series of switchbacks and varying geometry turns without hitting walls in real life!

It takes skills to drift, and those skills are different from track racing. Anyone can do it in NFS, but NFS doesn't give you the feel nor the danger nor anywhere near the physics of drifting. Besides, how many of you can spin a nautilus donut while perched on the window sill of your car? Without running yourself over? Drifting is a sport where the winner puts on the best show for the audience. It's not about running hotlaps.

Now, about the wish. Its rubbish. The road tires available provide enough realistic drift life. If Z-rated Pirellis are destroyed in 15 minutes of D1 drifting, don't expect the road_super tires to be any better.