Unity Grand MINI Celebration Race
Wednesday the 31th of October
Mrt at Aston North
2 hours
After the good season we will celebrate the Unity Mini League and the eminent winners in different categories with a photo finish in the end of a celebration race.
It will be photo finishes for all categories. The overall winner (positions 1-3), the Mrt winners (positions 1-3), the Uf1 winners (positions 1-3) and the winner of the celebration race (positions 1-3) These pictures will be showed on the Unity Mini League forum and the Unity website.
The Unity Mini Celebration Race will be 2 hours at Aston North in the MRT
Tuesday 30th of October at 21.00 (UTC/GMT +1 hour)
There is no forced pitstop and start order as finished in the overall standing. The celebration race gives no points, as it is just celebration
Server: Unity-racing.com
Password will be sent by PM
Next League: UNITY Midi League