The online racing simulator
New PB! Slowly getting there...
(21 posts, started )
New PB! Slowly getting there...
Hi All,

Slowly getting to grips with LFS now

Mainly racing FOX around Aston Club at the moment which I find a nice combintation, have my laps down to consistent 1:02.40 using the Easy Race setups (Low DF setup).

I know exactly where I am loosing time, the fast chicane (Left, Right) after the first hairpin. I think i'm turning in too late and getting major understeer! I know I can take it alot faster if I turn in earlier, it's just finding the right turn in point I suppose!
Can probably take it pretty much flat out once i leave the correct turn in too

Still have alot of practise laps to do, but getting faster day by day

Awesome! Keep it up! I set (and beat) my PB at Blackwood with the FOX last night several times. Just 5 seconds off the leaders in the race now, and I'm using the default setup. Will try some better setups from Gentlefoot today when I get home, but I know most of that 5 seconds will be knocked off by improving my turn entry points and exits.
Hi! I finally got my momo wheel today, and I've been racing pretty much ever since I got it. I've decided to use the XRT mostly in the beginning, as I've heard that "if you master that one, you'll learn the other cars quickly". Dunno if that's true (any comments on this??), but I'm getting more and more comfy with it. I've been on mostly, and I'm currently at 3:09 with default setup. Need to shave off another 10 seconds from that, but at least I'm improving.
Good to hear, Gnomie! I'll be trying out the gentlefoot server(s) today - hopefully I'll see you there!
I'm on # 2 right now if you're interested. Anyways I'm sure I'll se you around.
Can anyone please help me. I am new to the game and like the original poster, I have been mainly driving the FOX at AS club. Have been getting my times down bit by bit but can't get my laps down any further that early 1:02's.

I have attached a replay - if anyone could give any pointers that would be great as I'm about 1 - 1.5 secs off the leaders atm. The 3 laps in this replay are pretty standard as to what times I would normally get...

Attached files
webdigga_AS2_FOX_10254.spr - 88.3 KB - 269 views
Quote from Gnomie :I've been on mostly [Aston Historic], and I'm currently at 3:09 with default setup. Need to shave off another 10 seconds from that, but at least I'm improving.

Now I'm down to 3:07. Got a nice setup for the XRT yesterday from Troy, and I've been tweaking it slightly today. Slowly getting there.. but more important than the actual lap times is that my consistency is improving. I'm now usually doing 3:08 +- 1 second, whereas previously I'd do 3:11 +-2 seconds. Still gotta shave off another 7 seconds, though... which might sound much, but I think I have an idea about where the potential is the greatest.
After another 50ish laps today i've managed to get down to 1:01.9, with consistant low 1:02's which I'm very happy with! I think the next step for me now is to take part in a few online races on the FOX/Aston Club combintation and follow some faster drivers round!
Wow...must be nice. My advice to everyone: Don't get married.

I'm lucky if I can complete 10 laps a day.
Quote from webdigga :Can anyone please help me. I am new to the game and like the original poster, I have been mainly driving the FOX at AS club. Have been getting my times down bit by bit but can't get my laps down any further that early 1:02's.

I have attached a replay - if anyone could give any pointers that would be great as I'm about 1 - 1.5 secs off the leaders atm. The 3 laps in this replay are pretty standard as to what times I would normally get...


I had a quick look, and I find a few 'significant' moments in which you lose time:

- Before you hit the long straight, you have a bit of an awkward entry into the last turn, which causes you to be late on the accelerator; this means losing top speed and thus time.

- I don't know for sure, but it seemed you braked a bit too late, and turned in a bit too hard in the first turn. You were fairly late on the power because of this, which again lost you some time.

- Turned in a bit too hard for the left-right section, and scrubbed off a lot of speed during the understeer that followed. Perhaps if you allow the setup to grant you a bit more oversteer you could do this section faster. It would be important to be smooth on the steering though!

- It's been ages since I did AS Club, but I think I had a completely different approach to braking for the last corner. I noticed you line up to the kerbs, driving almost parralel to them before braking - I recall steering into them at just a bit of an angle before turning in: this doesn't unsettle the car so much right before the moment of braking.

Overall, your car-control seems to be good enough for low 1.01 laps, but you just need a little more smoothness and perhaps a more oversteery set - the rest should follow
Thanks Jertje - very much appreciated.

Gives me a lot to think about when I get back on later...
Quote from mattmac83 :Awesome! Keep it up! I set (and beat) my PB at Blackwood with the FOX last night several times. Just 5 seconds off the leaders in the race now, and I'm using the default setup. Will try some better setups from Gentlefoot today when I get home, but I know most of that 5 seconds will be knocked off by improving my turn entry points and exits.

This biggest improvement I found on my BL GP/FOX lap times is to take the chicane at the back of the track flat out! This is a must and is relatively easy after some practice.

Good Luck!
Down to 3:05,84 now. So that's an improvement by 2 seconds from this morning, and 5 seconds from last night! Gotta keep this up, and I should be down to 3:00 in a few days. Then it's time to look at some new cars/tracks.

Man, I seriously love this game. I can't remember ever having such a good time gaming! And I haven't yet started doing races with other players.. the best is yet to come! I'm looking forward to the day when I'll be good enough to do 10 lap races against other (clean) drivers and keep in touch with the field throughout the race.

A little hint to others: I've been experimenting with the settings on my wheel, and found it much easier to "read the car's mind" after I installed this excellent sound pack, which installs new skid sounds. I'm starting to realise that LSF is not just about visual stuff, it's also about feeling and sound.
There are people who do nothing but drive the FOX at Aston Club, so wouldn't worry if I were only a second or so form their time. I'd suggest going and driving some other tracks and configs for a while, like CTRA SS1 for instance, or even better a completely different car and track. After you've spent a while away, you'll be amazed how much your lap times can improve. If you only race the one track you get stuck in a rut and racing elsewhere can break the cycle.
Quote from webdigga :Can anyone please help me. I am new to the game and like the original poster, I have been mainly driving the FOX at AS club. Have been getting my times down bit by bit but can't get my laps down any further that early 1:02's.

I have attached a replay - if anyone could give any pointers that would be great as I'm about 1 - 1.5 secs off the leaders atm. The 3 laps in this replay are pretty standard as to what times I would normally get...


Okay first what set are you driving with? A good setup can make a big advantage in the "chicane" after the first corner.

Look here for setups.
These setups is not world record sets but with a good driver they can be very fast while still not being extremely difficult.

I used Analyze for speed and F1PerfView for the analyse. Both programs can be found here

You are the Blue line, i am the red line and the green line is the world record.

First Corner ... 500/1cornerbrakingzg8.jpg
Your braking point is good you brake at the exsactly same time as me and just a little bit before the wr but that is okay ... 43/1cornerentrancetc7.jpg
You leave the brake way to fast and therefor you have a speed much higher than both me and the wr
The high entrance speed results in you making an early apex and therefor you get way later on the throttle than me and the wr.

Try to get closer to the kerp in the first half of the chicane but be aware the kerp can be really nasty. The second half was good so no comment there ... 50/chicanesteeringhj4.jpg
By looking at your steering in the chicane i can see that you are really fighting the car. If you dont have a setup made for this track then get one that should help alot in that corner. Then remember to be as smooth as possible so you dont lose speed.

Last corner ... /lastcornerbrakingtp9.jpg
You brake way to late here, but your line looks pretty good ... 635/lastcornerlineth4.jpg
Beacouse of your very late braking you a way to big line into the corner and there have to travel a longer distance. You do also get later on the throttle and therefor lose speed all the way down the straight.

That took a bit longer than i expected.. But it was worth it beacouse i also noticed some thing i could do better my self.

Ps. if you have any more questions feel free to ask them
We should thank you for the guide.

gonna give it a shot tonight.
Quote from salmon2970 :Thanks
Hoppe it can be a help for you guys....


Thanks so much for your help!
Quote from salmon2970 :Thanks
Hoppe it can be a help for you guys....

Just did a hotlap of 1.01.23 after following your advice - big help man, cheers
Quote from webdigga :Just did a hotlap of 1.01.23 after following your advice - big help man, cheers

Damn that sucks my record is only 1:01:25 on the net and 1:01:28 on hotlap I better go and do some hotlapping
#21 - GaB
woah cool, does the analyze for speed work in real time?
oh, and slow and steady is the way to go!

New PB! Slowly getting there...
(21 posts, started )