The online racing simulator
#1 - Zac86
Can't connect to CTRA servers!
Well after taking almost a 6month break from LFS and being almost a Gold racer on the UKCT race servers I decided to start racing again! I'm trying to get onto the new CTRA servers but everytime I try to go on it says Host Refused Connection. I'm running Windows Vista now, could that be the problem?
Or you one of those people that the license is not converted proper from the old pre-X system
#3 - Zac86
actually I just tried to connect to the begginer server, i've tried several other of there servers too but I get the same problem.
#4 - Jakg
It would kick him AFTER he connected though, i think, if he didn't have the right license.

Can you connect to other servers fine...?
#5 - Zac86
yes I connect to the other servers fine, anyone know if I can contact someone from CTRA to ask for help?
"Host Refused Connection" is not a technical problem. Please see your MyCTRA page for full details.
Ouch...its a disciplinary problem ...has been a bad boy
#8 - Zac86
I dont know I haven't played in 6 months, How do I check "MyCTRA" page?

I found the site but I cant login, my Password doesn't work or i'm not even sure if I still have an account there, is there any way I can reset my account or password?
If you haven't played in 6 months I'm guessing that you don't even have a login/pass for the CTRA site? As you have to set those while on one of the servers, if I'm not mistaken.
#10 - SamH
PM me with a new password and I'll reset it for you. Don't PM me with your LFS password, though.
thanks bro
Quote from Zac86 : everytime I try to go on it says Host Refused Connection.

I am getting the same connection issue ? Whats up with that?
#13 - SamH
It may be temporary while I let myself calm down and stop being so angry with you. We'll have to wait and see.
I've always been very proud of the fact that the CTRA has never even entertained the idea of banning drivers on personal grounds. We've always been above such things, we've *always* had evidence for it, and we've never had anyting in the rules which permitted an admin to do it.

However, i've had enough of my free time wasted by certain drivers that I am just not wasting any more sorting this out right now. I'm closing this thread, *IF* I decide to waste any more of my own time on certain individuals then i'll sort this out, but dont count on it.
This thread is closed