[WIP]Westhill makeover
(8 posts, started )
It looks smooth and good
How does the pit tarmac looks like?
Looks good! Nice job
#3 - axus
It's far too repetetive. Think GTR1. And repetetive textures are really bad for immersion and hence concentration. E-Kar's textures are way better if you ask me.
No doubt that he is one of the best people around when it comes to texture work. But I like this one because it`s dark tarmac, of course does it looks like no one have ever driven on it, but still I like it when the tarmac is dark, but thats maybe just me or?
Just before you are thinking about releasing it, LFSnoob, I'd suggest you get the permission from the author, the one who actually made that texture. If you really made it yourself, good job but keep working on it.
Looks a bit too clean and fake. Doesn't look like any tarmac I've ever seen. Good effort though, but needs a bit more work.

Not really worth competing with EK though. You could do a track he hasn't done yet
Looks great, but need more screens.
Niko I wouldn't mind having a "pre-launch"

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[WIP]Westhill makeover
(8 posts, started )