Ditto, but swap 'high' for 'medium'

I get a fairly consistent 20-25 FPS on medium which is jerkier than I'd like, but perfectly playable. With everything on 'high' the FPS drops to around 7-8. I also managed at one point to get everything except the background map and bizarrely, people's eyeballs (

) to go transparent whilst playing with the detail settings.
My kit is an AMD X2 4400+, 2GB Corsair TwinX DDR1 and 512MB X1950XTX.
The gameplay is pretty much identical to Far Cry which is A Good Thing, with the added twist of the suit modes and weapon attachments which should mix things up a fair bit.
It seems to have a few nice scripted moments too like the guy in the tree who *really* made me jump.
I'm definitely getting this, although I may wait until I build my DX10 machine after Christmas.
pb32000, does your 8800 run it in DX10 mode or haven't you swapped to Vista yet? Your rig is pretty much identical to my brother's so I may go round there later today and play it