Hi all
This is my first post here. I have become quickly a fan of LFS just from the demo. I do not have a S2 license and don't know where will get one because I am running very low on budget.
It if funny to tell but I am a Graphic Designer. But I live in Bulgaria and our salaries here are low as 350 Euro per month
... now you will get my point of budget.
So in my spare time and and burning enthusiasm I have created this for your pleasure:

Alternate link if the first one did not work:
http://www.flickr.com/photo_zo ... ?id=1777209559&size=o
Hope you like it
I used 3D max to create the pic.
This is my first post here. I have become quickly a fan of LFS just from the demo. I do not have a S2 license and don't know where will get one because I am running very low on budget.
It if funny to tell but I am a Graphic Designer. But I live in Bulgaria and our salaries here are low as 350 Euro per month

So in my spare time and and burning enthusiasm I have created this for your pleasure:

Alternate link if the first one did not work:
http://www.flickr.com/photo_zo ... ?id=1777209559&size=o
Hope you like it

I used 3D max to create the pic.