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Opera 9.5 Beta
(34 posts, started )
Quote from NotAnIllusion :Not really because it works in a different way. Opera does a DNS lookup for each TLD (takes time to query) whereas in Firefox the shortcut just adds the rest without lookups (faster, more convenient).

There is a way, but you have to edit the keyboard shortcuts, but I don't know what the commands are - my search of the Opera forums turned up that you could do this, but it didn't explain how.
Quote from Lible :Erm.. but it won't work that way.

Thank you for the comprehensive explanation. I'm a lot wiser knowing that.
Quote from robps :There is a way, but you have to edit the keyboard shortcuts

ctrl-enter works with the 'Opera 9.2 compatible' shortcuts enabled, it goes in the shortcuts under advanced -> browser dropdown widget
Quote from NotAnIllusion :Thank you for the comprehensive explanation. I'm a lot wiser knowing that.

Well, I wasnt very sure myself so I didn't want to explain and make myself a fool.

But all sites just don't have the same domain.
Quote from Kegetys :ctrl-enter works with the 'Opera 9.2 compatible' shortcuts enabled, it goes in the shortcuts under advanced -> browser dropdown widget

Nice find! Unfortunately Opera managed to crash this morning so I've reverted back to Firefox anyway. Good to know for the future.

Quote from Lible :
But all sites just don't have the same domain.

I didn't say they did. I was going by what was said before, without testing it myself. Someone up there said that I didn't need to press any shortcuts because Opera added the rest anyways. The only way I can see this being done on-the-fly is if I type 'lfsforum' in the address bar and press enter, the browser then queries, etc., and returns the first successful lookup. I've now tested it, and can tell that Opera most definitely does not add anything to anything if I type 'lfsforum' and press enter.
Thanks for the opera portable links, they really make my life a lot easier
Gotta test those web developer addons aswell, they seem to be similar to the firefox web dev toolbar, even though I havent seen a edit html or edit css button on the screenshots yet.
Always loved Opera, been using it since about version 5. I got it for the mouse gestures

One of my favourite features now is the ability to Google from the address bar.

g <query> [return]

Quote from Dajmin :Always loved Opera, been using it since about version 5. I got it for the mouse gestures

One of my favourite features now is the ability to Google from the address bar.

g <query> [return]


you don't even need to use the g if you use more than one word
Quote from Dajmin :Always loved Opera, been using it since about version 5. I got it for the mouse gestures

One of my favourite features now is the ability to Google from the address bar.

g <query> [return]


In case you enter multiple words you don't even have to put the g in front .

Opera 9.5 Beta
(34 posts, started )