#1 - abz1
automatic gear change suggestion
This just makes it a whole lot easier when your starting the game for a "kid", or maybe even a first time racer.

1. If the car is set to automatic gear change, we should have it so it automatically goes into 1st gear from Neutral

2. When restarting the car the car should start in 1st gear not Neutral.

3. When the brake is held and the rpm is 0 then the car should automatic reverse.

If you think the automatic gear change should be left as it is, i still think there should be another option beside manual and automatic in the menu.


please note, this suggestion isnt really for you hardcore gamers but as a "kid/child mode" option.
#2 - Jakg
Quote from abz1 :This just makes it a whole lot easier when your starting the game for a "kid", or maybe even a first time racer.

1. If the car is set to automatic gear change, we should have it so it automatically goes into 1st gear from Neutral

2. When restarting the car the car should start in 1st gear not Neutral.

3. When the brake is held and the rpm is 0 then the car should automatic reverse.

If you think the automatic gear change should be left as it is, i still think there should be another option beside manual and automatic in the menu.

1. no, what if you want to rev it?
2. Sounds ok
3. God no!
#3 - axus
Quote from Jakg :1. no, what if you want to rev it?
2. Sounds ok
3. God no!

1, 2. What if you want to rev your car when you get off the line to get a decent start...
3. What if you park on a hill for whatever reason...

All these suggestions would do more harm than good.
#4 - ajp71
The car is never going to be parked with the brake on and 0 rpm unless you stall it illepall

I couldn't really care what the automatic is like in LFS, just that shift + G shortcut is bloody annoying when you press it by mistake.
#5 - abz1
please note, this suggestion isnt really for you hardcore gamers but as a "kid/child mode" option.
What if you want to rev it? -> Depress the clutch

3. NOOOO!!! That's how it is in NFs series and it really stupid....
Even kids have to learn how to shift reverse....

Quote from abz1 :please note, this suggestion isnt really for you hardcore gamers but as a "kid/child mode" option.

LFS doesn't look like kid/child game....
#7 - axus
You could assign some macros as shift buttons to reverse (except children don't know how macros work...)
Quote from abz1 :This just makes it a whole lot easier when your starting the game for a "kid", or maybe even a first time racer.

1. If the car is set to automatic gear change, we should have it so it automatically goes into 1st gear from Neutral

2. When restarting the car the car should start in 1st gear not Neutral.

3. When the brake is held and the rpm is 0 then the car should automatic reverse.

If you think the automatic gear change should be left as it is, i still think there should be another option beside manual and automatic in the menu.

1 - as others said i like revving the engine so a no to that

2 - again no

3 - :O no no no, not for me!
I think the OP has a good point for in his words a "child mode" both my girls (6 and 5 ) love playing LFS (offline) although I dont let them use my wheel anymore after a few times of " dad i pressed shift R and it wont move " I can see exactly where this would be useful , so maybe a "junior" mode wouldn't be such a bad thing.

1 and 2 are ok, but please, not 3.
Even Gran Turismo has a seperate button for reverse, I'm sure beginners pick that up easy.
the revs never go to zero in a automatic it just roles to stop it u need to have ur foot on the brake and for forward netrail park and reverse
#13 - abz1
oh right so rpms never go to 0, but you all know what i meant.

can this be moved to suggestion lounge dont know how it got in beginners.
Seriously I could understand if all of these were made optional for begineers. Most who are going to race seriously will be using a manual anyway, I wouldn't complain if automatic was banned online as well, seeing as one will never get such fine control out of an automatic and frankly most of those who actually race with it are likely to be a big danger, though I guess those who use it will be demo and it's bloody annoying that G is next to F on the keyboard, stupid idiot who invented the QWERTY keyboard and an even dummer idiot must have invented the alphabet which inspired the keyboard

If you can't put the car to first gear or reverse, maybe you should go play with toys.
Quote from MadCatX :
3. NOOOO!!! That's how it is in NFs series and it really stupid....
Even kids have to learn how to shift reverse....

My 5 yr old daughter has been playing S1 GTi on Blackwood since she was 4 and the first thing I taught her was how to reverse as I figured she'd need it alot, LOL. She uses the automatic so far.
1: No, unless you mean the start lights
2: Not a good idea unless it is an option
3: Auto-Reverse = vewy vewy bad

I would teach your kids how to change gears, as this would be useful later in life. Get 'em started early...
Kids are better than adults at picking up complicated cognotive systems. All you have to do is tell them, and they'll almost certainly remember for next time.

I'm sure GPL used to give you a little text hint if you were sat still for an unusually long time (just a little message that popped up - 'press F1 for help'). Something like that would be enough.
Quote from abz1 :3. When the brake is held and the rpm is 0 then the car should automatic reverse.

dunno how this should work (example with pedals):
im going forward, braking, stop, then car automatic reverse and what? should i pressed brake to go backward? or release brake and press gas?
first option: how to brake then when "brake is gas"? go with brake and brake with gas? in simulator? illepall
second: how to go forward? manually change to 1st? purpose was not to must change gears manually, wasnt it?

1,2,3 -> NO

sorry for my english
interesting ideas there... but i have to say no to all

they just arent needed really... anyone who considers playing lfs should have some basic knowledge how to drive atleast. Shifting manually into gear 1 at ths start when in automatic is no biggie...

as for your 3rd point... you are talking about the automatic reverse arcade games have. Ie need for speeed, when u are going forward at speed and press brake the car slows down, if you still press brake when car comes to a stop then it reverses. I think this does not need to be implemented into lfs. a maunal gear change into reverse will do for me

Making a reverse on brake pedal isn't impossible. In NFS:U series it is done and it works(a little). If you're braking from nonzero forward speed, you'll only stop.... Once you have stopped, you can release the brake and press it again to do the reverse....

The better solution than "brake reverser" can be a reverse toggle button(Viper Racing has this). Just when you hold the button down, gearbox shifts the reverse, when you release it, it shifts back to N. It seems to me much better than revese on brake, because it can cause a silly situatons like following: "In NFS:U I shifted manually to R and pressed the throttle. Car started to move backwards. I released the throttle and after a while I pressed the brake to stop.... What the world, where are you going, baby?????????"
?!?!? you still have to shift into drive and reverse and neutral in a real car.. even WITH automatic transmission...

Reverse on the brake pedal? Ew no way! I don't know about NFS but I've operated electric fork lifts that do that.... you don't want that in this game.

Personally, I'd like to see an automatic trannie set up that was more
comparable to real life. The auto trannie in the game ain't quite the same.
LOL the only driving games I can think of where the the auto transmission is most realistic is GTA and...and... That London one... the getaway.
In all the other games I've played, the auto drive feels more like driving a standard, yet having the passenger shift the gears when they felt like it.
- Real auto transmissions stay on their "1st gear" when on [D], even when the car stands still.
- With real auto transmissions there is a [N] (neutral) position that exists. I guess it's there for a reason, like reving if you want it.
- Real auto transmissions have a [R] position, whereas R stands for "reverse". I will make a guess that it's there for a good reason and that there is also a good reason for the reverse not to engage automatically when the brakes are pressed....

- LFS wants to simulate reality
- LFS should:
A. simulate a real auto transmission (only suggestion about auto that should exist in this forum)
B. scrap the whole concept of auto, even as an assist. Either we get the real thing simulated or we get only manual and manual sequential gearbox.
Stupidest improvement suggestion I've ever heard. illepall