The online racing simulator

I'm very new(brought the license today), currently using a mouse so I'll be sticking to easy to control cars & circuits for now. Hopefully looking at getting a DFP soon
Quote from SAJAX :Hello,

I'm very new(brought the license today), currently using a mouse so I'll be sticking to easy to control cars & circuits for now. Hopefully looking at getting a DFP soon

I bougth my license today too. I think this is the beginning of a brigth new chapter in racing for me. The demo just blew me away, I've never experienced such good physics and handling in any game ever. I'm using a Logitech Formula EX steering wheel BTW.

Looking forward to meeting you all online!
Quote from Gnomie :I bougth my license today too. I think this is the beginning of a brigth new chapter in racing for me. The demo just blew me away, I've never experienced such good physics and handling in any game ever. I'm using a Logitech Formula EX steering wheel BTW.

Looking forward to meeting you all online!

Me again.. seems like my visit here was a short one for now. My steering wheel has a problem, so I'll hand it back to the shop and get a MOMO instead. They'll have to order it from abroad, which means no LFS for some time for me. I already can't wait to get the new wheel! This game rocks.
hello another noob here :P

i have had lfs s2 for 1 week. it is pretty good... might go better on a wheel though hehe. im usin keyboard at the moment lol

Another newbie signing in! I got my S2 licence today... See You in-game!

I'm an old newb, having purchased S1 a long time ago...will be upgrading to S2 as soon as my fiancee allows me to do so. We're saving up for a wedding so every scrap of spare change goes into the wedding fund! I might have to wait until Christmas, but I hope that isn't the case. Until then, I'm REALLY enjoying the MRT, especially on the autocross layout. Loooooove it.
Newbie - wants to say hi and thanks!
Hi , I'm another newbie, just bought my S2 license.

I'm pretty new to driving games/sims. I cannot get over how realistic it feels and how fun it is because of that! I play using the Logitech G25.

Thanks a million creators of LFS!!! :bowdown::bowdown:
Ive been here for a few mohnts now and now i finnaly have S2 im so happy Sorry for my spelling
Hi everyone! Have been playing LFS demo for the last couple of months, and today finally bought S2
GG - played the demo last night and bought the S2 license last night after four short 5 lap races....

See you on the track

New to the game but not new to racing. Just got my S2 license and love it. See you at the track.........
Hello everybody!

see you on the track! :banana:
Hello all! I'm a new LFS user. I tried the demo in 2004 when I first started sim racing. At that time I really didn't understand what was considered a good sim, so I really didn't like it. After several years, and a lot of laps on other sims like NR2003, F1 2002 and F1C, Nascar Heat, GTR and GTR2, and rFactor, I decided to give the demo another try and fell in love. Without a doubt one of the most satisfying sims I have driving.

Now, just trying to get caught up, see you all on the asphalt!!
NooooOOOOoooB here. Just have to say how much I like this simulator. Autoxing season just ended here and it will be April before the next autox. So I searched for a autox game/sim and what do you know.
Hi All
Hello all,

Like all the people introducing themselves here, I am new to the forum and the online racing. I have had my S2 license for a couple of months now, after being introduced to the demo by a friend.
Within less than 2 weeks, I already felt obliged to buy a new steering wheel, because the vibration thingy I had was even worse than playing with the keyboard....
So, without visiting this forum I just went out and bought myself a logitech momo (g25 was a little bit too expensive), and since I figured out how to disable to 'combined-axis' problem I have been playing against myself for weeks and weeks. And now the time has come to bring it to the next level, i.e. go online!
So, I'm looking forward to race you guys, but please keep in mind I am a newbie, and don't punish me too hard for the inevitable stupid things I might do...

(I'll have to check the user cp, cause that's my racing name )
Good to hear Venix! I have the same wheel as you do, but I'm even newer to the game than you -- I got my wheel less than a week ago. See you online!
Quote from coremand :Hello there,

another beginner here.

Great Simulation.

I have just a question. I am a Demo driver(will get my s2 next month) but the online races i drive are not displyed at my stats.


i think demo stats cant be really capped, coz everyone could take your name in demo and say he/she would be you
@topic: Im not new but i thikn ill buy lfs soon.
im new
hi there, i played the demo for mere days and i was hooked, i have had the s2 licence for a month or so now, havent been seriously playing the game, but now since ive been starting to research the game a different things, such as teams, tips, figuring out setups hooked, it grows...
hope to see u all online
great game
Hello, my name is Casper, both in real life as when I race online. I'm playing this game for about a week, though I only play the demo. My personal best on Blackwood XFG is 1:35:45. I might be able to get a 1:34 but probably not faster than that. I play with mouse steering btw. You might see me on the demo servers every now and then, but I have to warn you, I kinda suck at racing. I once started from pole and I braked too early for turn 1, too much pressure, aarrgh!!
hello all, just downloaded the game and only got the demo license at the minute. Still not particually code and only using keyboard () at the moment but hope to get better with practice and a wheel
Ni hao. No I am not Chinese, although my girlfriend is :P

My ingame name is keriz and thanks to DieKolkrabe for purchasing this game for me. He is the only reason why I am playing.

If you see me ingame [which im sure you will] then give us shout out
You forgot the 'WOOOOOOOOOOO! FIRST FORUM POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111111111111111111111oneoneoneoneoneoneone' :P

Seriously though, welcome to LFS, Tip #2 is to get on the CTRA servers ASAP. Depends on your ping though

I already told you tip #1
Lol mate, I should have but I didnt

And okay, we shall talk over MSN about these servers.
Quote from Casper84 :Hello, my name is Casper, both in real life as when I race online. I'm playing this game for about a week, though I only play the demo. My personal best on Blackwood XFG is 1:35:45. I might be able to get a 1:34 but probably not faster than that. I play with mouse steering btw. You might see me on the demo servers every now and then, but I have to warn you, I kinda suck at racing. I once started from pole and I braked too early for turn 1, too much pressure, aarrgh!!

After a week - your pb is 1.35.45!! Jesus Christ!! It took me about 2-3 months to get a 1.35 and about another 1-2 to get a 1.34! But, 1.34 is a huge barrier - my PB is 1.34.24 with kb, but that's really the best I can do.

New players say hi here
(3742 posts, started )