The online racing simulator
Love the stats page Sam and I'll really enjoy taking the piss out of my teaming mates with these. Only thing is we only have 4 drivers and if you kick 2 out for being deadbeats (which they are, I carried you slackers) then we as a province, will be exterminated

That's jus no fair cuz wee Norn Iron done well. Anyhow, we only have a population of about 56 so that's a pretty darn fine turnout, right ?

Ok, I know I'm clutching at straws here but one final appeal to keep us from being terminated.

I know some of you English, Scottish are Welsh have some Northern Irish blood in you so if you wish to aid the cause and keep us on the map you will turn your back on your treacherous ways, sin no more and sign up for the Northern Irish squad. Free bottle of Bushmills for all, yeehaw ! You know it makes sense I would have asked the Americans but we want to keep our good name. Hey, who through that big mak, super size me, 2lb beefburger thing ? I was only joking.

Anyhow, I'm all appealed out and will leave the matter to rest in the hands of the merciful CTRA gods. (Well, if that don't do it, I'll eat my steering wheel)
Every country has chaff except Wales and Rep of Ireland of course. So what about taking the top 3/5 of each country and averaging those?
#53 - SamH
Some (even many) countries, with a small number of racers, will have chaff in their top 3/5.. it's not an exact enough science.. why not 2/5, or 1/5?

I'd rather base the stats on performance AFTER participation, as it is now. I don't mind a bit of tweaking, but if someone has participated a lot but achieved little, their numbers should still affect the country's score, IMO.
I totally agree. Poor drivers/low scoring drivers should be counted but only if they've actually participated in a number of races.
Is it possible to make a ranking of average points per race?
If I look at a ranking I want to see how good someone can race, not how much time he is racing.
At the moment bad (not so good) drivers stand above good drivers in the ranking, only because they spend more time collecting points.
Let's rule out the quantity and make a ranking of the quality of drivers.
yeah but what about those, who did ONE race and won it? 100%!

is this person really better, then someone who has driven about
300 races and won 150 (50%) of them??? i don´t think so...
of course there will be some secundary rules like,
minimum of 100 races and you must drive every week a minimum of 1 race to keep in the ranking.
#58 - SamH
We can't really do a races : points ratio because we've been counting points since December last year but we've only been counting races for the last few months. That means that anyone who was there at the beginning, and who keeps racing on CTRA, will see their races : points ratio fall as they race more. Not much to inspire continued racing in that
Ok, I understand that.
But maybe it's possible to do a races : points ratio of the last 100 races?
I don't want to replace the main ranking but it would be nice as a additional ranking.

PS. a yellow flag ranking would be nice to

Keep up the good work