The crashes were good, but there are a number of points you could improve on the editing (that is if you want to improve. If you don't take movie making too seriously, then ignore me!

- You need to find the option "turn off flags in Shift+F mode". I'm not sure where that is in the options menu, but it is there.
- There needs to be more dynamic (moving) cameras, not just the default LFS TV cams. The ones you made yourself were good, but having some of them moving would be better.
- You need to turn MPR messages off, this details on how to do this from the LFS manual:
"To stop messages from being displayed in Multiplayer replays, open up cfg.txt wich is in the LFS folder. Search for 'MPR Message Block' and change it to 1, change it back to 0 afterwards if you want. Remeber to save it when LFS isnt running."
I liked the music, and the flashing on some of the beats. Good stuff