What the.....?
(46 posts, started )
Looks like insides of a jacket, a collar sir.
Meh, just have to wait for aoun to tell us what he spotted
Wally is in the back row.
it's a mclaren team photo?
All the people are pasted into the photo?
Goodyear Blimp!:d
#32 - aoun
Lol wow forgot about this thread and saw 2 pages and thought woah... i was gonna say, kimi is showing a small smirk.. sorry, just never seen him smile before lol..

ROFL at the edits!
....that's it!

Worst reveal ever!
Quote from garph :....that's it!

Worst reveal ever!

Cmon, it must be the fact that you can see Jean Todt's nipple, it's just wrong.
Wwhhoosss a good boy. Here's your stick... um, I mean microphone...
#37 - aoun
Haha! The third line is the best.
Reminds me of this

edit: Never mind, hotlinking ftl
hahahahaha " A hurricane is coming"
Quote from aoun :Can anyone see whats wrong with this picture??

Yeah, the design agency handles both the Mormon account and the F1-live account. An over-worked picture editor just got a little mixed up...

Kimi has recently started theology studies?
I'd say Kimi is all smiles, unless there is a news team pressent.

What the.....?
(46 posts, started )