The online racing simulator
Get Rid of the Passengers
(33 posts, started )
As anal as it may seem, putting a passanger in the back to balance the weight for 50/50 balance may help in balance through corners and so.
Quote from Hankstar :Jeez, it's like saying "remove the blue and green colour sliders because I only drive red cars". Come on.

I use skins, so, yeah! Remove all the color sliders
Ok. I admit my idea of removing the passengers is a bit daft and removing them completely is going to be a waste of time. It was early in the morning and what I was initially trying to say isn't an improvement suggestion at all. What I wanted to say was that the devs wasted their time putting this feature in the game, when they could have made a whole car instead. And now, since it's done already, the passengers can stay because I realized that they can be useful sometimes.

Mods can close this thread if they like.

Quote from Ilpav :Ok. I admit my idea of removing the passengers is a bit daft and removing them completely is going to be a waste of time. It was early in the morning and what I was initially trying to say isn't an improvement suggestion at all. What I wanted to say was that the devs wasted their time putting this feature in the game, when they could have made a whole car instead. And now, since it's done already, the passengers can stay because I realized that they can be useful sometimes.

Mods can close this thread if they like.


Scawen put the passengers in the game. Eric makes the cars. In a different building. I don't think that Scawen's work, over 5 years ago, in adding passangers will have contributed significantly to LFSs speed of development.

C'mon, someone's requesting being able to open doors and pop the hood -

Point is, people crying for realism will immediately request adding passengers to be be included as a new feature. I betcha.

If you don't like, don't use. Simple!
The passengers can show a great shift in weight, and they can be used in odd ways, too.
Toyotoyo makes a valid point.

Also though, they are handy for when you are bored of doing the standard races in LFS. There's not really a big selection of cars or tracks, and likely there are tracks you don't race with certain car combinations, and certain cars you never race at all.
Races where the winner each round is forced to add a passenger can help add another way to influence results, and is immediately obvious to everyone else that the weight handicap imposed upon the winner has or hasn't been made.

I also doubt that the addition of the passengers took anything like as much work as modeling and creating the physics for a whole new vehicle. Maybe about the same amount of time required for you to be able to open your trunk and reveal some speakers that are there for everyone but the passengers enjoyment, along with usual retarded elements like playstation and dvd screen etc.

"Oh, hang on fellow racers, how about I pull over, pop the trunk and we all play Tekken with 6 Gigawatts of sound? I know it's cold and everything, but the speakers are surrounded in neon too..."

Get Rid of the Passengers
(33 posts, started )