ok took a look....
first few laps your lines are all over the place duno if was just you getting settled or what because last 2/3 laps ya lines wasnt that bad..
by watching that i think get a few problems sorted out you could be quite fastbut there are few things that stick like a sore thumb though, get this sorted you times will drop a LOT...
1. im falling to sleep when you start comming off the throttle for a turn, watch that again and see how long you coast!!!, you come off the throttle and do nothing for a good second then apply breaks and turn in, it all need to be speeded up a lot, off the throttle strait onto the break and start kicking down the gears this will slow you down MUTCH quicker shortening your breaking point plus the car will be more settled going into the turn in phase, you seem to have your foot hovering in mid air for what seems a iternaty, slow that sucker down!!...
2. near every lap in T1 you excelerate after making the turn (nothing wrong there mabe a bit sooner but that wll come) then you change into 4th gear VERY quicky, your loosing tons of time here that small chicane after 2 will make a good lap or a bad lap, and your loosing weeks in there, dont change so soon the engine is taking ages to puck back up those revs you just killed by changing to early, try changing just before the 1st apex in the chicane..
3. again chicane after t1, way to mutch lock used, your line is not great through there, remember the more you turn the wheel the more speed you scrub off and the time lost there you will carry all down that strait, find the line with as little turn as possible get that right its near enough strait though just 2 little KICKS...
4.final turn your drove me insane!!!! lol, your line was pretty nice through there on most laps but you keep comming off the throttle!!!,
watching ya line through there and how the car takes it you SHOULD be full throttle there easy, again another big turn as regards lap time, just nail it your line is good and so is the car so dont come off the gas!!.....
there are a few others but imo those are the main things, your not full throttle on some of the places you should be but that comes..
but for the love of god speed up the breaking procces

i dont mean flick down the gears like a nutcase but your slowing down WAY to slow, i dont even know how you get those times by doing that lol..
last tip... if you post a replay again as regards to ya driving post a SPR not MPR as its hard to judge what lag and whats driver!
hope that helps a tad