Unlock all "tracks" in the track
well.. hard to explain in Title..

but the thing i whant to say is this..

instead of only using 1 track of all the diffrent tracks in exempel "fern Bay (whos haves 6 diffrent (12 whit rev) roads) so should u have the function unlock all the track at ones.. have access to all roads at ones..

that should be nice for the city driving severs..

and 1 thing more.. 512 object limit its kind of smal.. even for drift/race.. no limit on that should be nice to..

thx for me..
It has been discussed before, and many are agreeing with you.
Problem is, as Jakg tells, is that the game engine itself wouldn`t handle it. It would be too much to load, too big simply.
There would need to be a big change in how LFS works if a track of that size should be possible.

But when that is said, if it had been possible it would get a BIG +1 from me
so thers no way its possebel to remake that engine ??
Hehe, that would be pretty hard I belive
Ask Jakg or the DEV`s, they know it, because I don`t really have a clue when it comes to things like this hehe.
how do I contact them ??

I think thay can but thay are to lazy.. :P

EDIT: oh.. one thing more.. is it posseble to see a sneeky look at s3 ?? =)
Hehe, they are not too lazy, they are just working on other stuff.
I think that many aspects of the game engine is going to be renewed and changed when S3 comes out. But til that happens we have what we have, and I highly doubt that sending an request to change their game engine would help

So, better wait and see whats going to happen in the future mate!
yea.. but becouse s3 is the final "stage" in LFS so should it be nice thay make it to s3.. =P

and just to know that s3 is the last "stage" makes me sad.. >.<
Actually, S3 is probally not going to be the final stage in the LFS development.

If I remember right there was an interveiw waaaay back in time where Scawen and the other mentioned that even when S3 was out, they would probally, or maybe not look at it as a finished product.
As they said, maybe Live For Speed 2?

The DEV`S has aimed to cover most aspects of motorsports, and if they still have the same aim as they had before they got a long way to go, and I highly doubt that S3 will be the end in the LFS development line
ur words make me happy.. lol.. haha.. well.. I hope ur right.. and we will see if they will remake ther engine.. its a big hope.. ^^

do u know if theres prewiev of s3 ??
If a preview of S3 existed anywhere, you can bet someone would've posted it here already, with a huge fanfare
Quote from The Very End :
Problem is, as Jakg tells, is that the game engine itself wouldn`t handle it. It would be too much to load, too big simply.

It has nothing to do with a full track being to big for PCs to render, ultimately you do that anyway in virtually any racing game. The problem is that LFS's graphic engine is designed to render along a path, so if you start adding multiple paths it couldn't render properly.
Quote from ajp71 :It has nothing to do with a full track being to big for PCs to render, ultimately you do that anyway in virtually any racing game. The problem is that LFS's graphic engine is designed to render along a path, so if you start adding multiple paths it couldn't render properly.

Just me that didn`t quite remember what Jakg said, thanks for clearing it up. It`s a shame that the graphic engine can`t handle it, it could prove to be great fun.
I agree. I play mostly cruise servers, and the ability to drive multiple paths would increase the fun of these servers exponentially!
Quote from Secondaries :I agree. I play mostly cruise servers, and the ability to drive multiple paths would increase the fun of these servers exponentially!

that's true

maybe in future when S3 will be out, the PCs will be on better level and maybe the engine of the game will be different, it'll be possible (just my hopes)
Imagine you have a passion for Hockey. You have always loved hocky. But you could never play hockey, whether it was time commitments, equipment finances, raising a family, whatever. But you are pretty good at coding on a computer. In fact, you are a coder for a big gaming company. You think to yourself, 'I'd love to play hockey, but I can't. But I think I could code a pretty good rendition of playing hockey for the computer.' So, you do just that. A friend sees it and is very interested. Eventually, you have a hockey game that almost replicated actually playing hockey in real life.

Surely there are plenty of other folks out in the world with the same passion that you have of hockey. Sure, there are other hockey games out there, but they just feel like games. Your's feels real. You can practically feel the ice under your feet when you play your computer simulated hockey game. Your physics coding for the skating and shooting, the most important aspects of playing hockey, is practically spot on, though it does need improvement.

You put your hockey simulation out there for others to see. Just a demo, of small timed games with limited players. Other's with the passion of hockey find your little demo and figure they’d try it since it’s a free demo. They are amazed at your coded physics of skating on ice. It’s unlike anything they have ever seen in a hockey game. The word spreads. More download. You continue developing your hockey simulation.

You have ideas for your hockey simulation. You have vision for your hockey simulation. You decide this is going to be much more than a simple little demo to play. You implement more players, teams, the ability for folks to create their own leagues and championships. You now put all the new features up for sale. Thousands who’ve been playing with your demo buy it. You and your friend, along with another, quit your jobs because you can live comfortably on what you make while further developing the most realistic true to life hockey simulation that you can.

All is going well. Sure, there are things that need to be fixed. There are things that need developed and implemented. Body checks for example. The hockey players are flying all around the ice from the body checks. It needs fixed. There is a very basic injury model. Broken bones, cut cheeks, knocked out teeth, and concussions are on the list, and very important in the modeling of a realistic hockey simulation. You are working hard on the details of playing hockey. Then, as word spreads more and more, others who don’t particularly have a passion for hockey like you do try it out. The skating physics are fantastic. So fantastic and realistic, that one could easily do figure skating, or speed skating with your hockey simulator.

People start to bug you because you don’t have actual figure skates modeled. They start complaining on the forums about how the goal nets should be removable so they can figure skate. The figure skaters want better spinning and jumping abilities. It is a constant barge of useless to hockey posts in your improvements section that you read so you can get other’s ideas of what would be good for hockey. Constant fights break out on the forums between the core hockey simulator users and the extraneous figure skaters because of all the constant suggestions, complaints, and gripes about the figure skating aspect of your simulator. While you bust your tail coding important stuff for hockey, you give up on the improvements section and the forum in general because it is nearly impossible to wade through the stuff that has nothing to do with hockey to find the important suggestions and ideas.

You continue to code and improve the feel of playing hockey. The player’s ankles felt just a bit wobbly, so you stiffened the ankle area of the skate model up in the physics code. The figure skaters jumped all over your sim because the stiffer skate boot affects their abilities to jump and twirl.

Your passion has been over run by the crowd who could care less about hockey and want your vision to change to suit them and their figure skating.

LFS is that hockey simulator. The fact that you can figure skate because of the skating physics in that best and most realistic hockey sim has nothing to do with the reason for development. It is first and only being developed as a hockey simulator, much like LFS is first and only being developed as a racing simulator. Like the figure skating in the hockey sim, the fact that the physics of driving in LFS are the most realistic means that drifting and cruising are possible. But they have nothing to do with the development of a racing simulator.

Sorry to say, but there are many folks who have been here for a very long time. There has been plenty of information, discussion, and interviews with the developers of LFS. We’ve seen what and where they want to go with Live For Speed, and that is for it to be the best racing simulator out there. Drifting and/or cruising has nothing to do with racing. Just the fact that you can do it in LFS is a plus to you if that is what you like. But, I very much doubt that any time will be wasted on the development of non-racing aspects when there are numerous items that need addressed for the core racing application.

Thank you for reading
Quote from ajp71 :It has nothing to do with a full track being to big for PCs to render, ultimately you do that anyway in virtually any racing game. The problem is that LFS's graphic engine is designed to render along a path, so if you start adding multiple paths it couldn't render properly.

i seem to remember from some wireframe pics that the culling in lfs doesnt work all that impressive so its in for a rewrite into something more intelligent than just getting rid of all the unused bits of track anway
Well, just a few lines of text is never enough, eh?

But I agree with that good yet long statement. LFS is being modeled to drifters/cruisers/other non-related to racing things liking. I like cars. In fact I absolutely love cars. Yet I'm a child. Now, most children love drifting with their "OmGImDoINgaN90deeGree!". Thats what most children are like.

Some other children, like their cruising games. I am using LFS to teach me to drive.(Thank you Logitech!)

But then there's me. And most adults. And basically all fans of the STCC. The racers. People who love a brilliant race. CTRA, Redline, Conedodgers, and other servers as the like, provided.

Now, the Drift kids and the Cruisers are taking over. Racing is our endangered species.
Quote from mrodgers :...
LFS is that hockey simulator.

Damn, I've played hockey 46% of my life and never realized this.
Thanks Mike!
Quote from Dalek0220 :Well, just a few lines of text is never enough, eh?

But I agree with that good yet long statement. LFS is being modeled to drifters/cruisers/other non-related to racing things liking. I like cars. In fact I absolutely love cars. Yet I'm a child. Now, most children love drifting with their "OmGImDoINgaN90deeGree!". Thats what most children are like.

Some other children, like their cruising games. I am using LFS to teach me to drive.(Thank you Logitech!)

But then there's me. And most adults. And basically all fans of the STCC. The racers. People who love a brilliant race. CTRA, Redline, Conedodgers, and other servers as the like, provided.

Now, the Drift kids and the Cruisers are taking over. Racing is our endangered species.

Oh please, let's all join in on this pity parade.

Racing isn't an "endangered species". The vast majority of available servers ARE racing servers, not drift or cruise.

Also, have you ever heard the quote, "It's better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it"?
Quote from Secondaries :Also, have you ever heard the quote, "It's better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it"?

Ah but LFS has both of those. We have lots of race servers that we don't need and need lots of racers but don't have.
Quote from Bob Smith :Ah but LFS has both of those. We have lots of race servers that we don't need and need lots of racers but don't have.

*points to the 600+ empty servers of LFS when you allow empty servers into your filter*
The ultimate cruise server.

Quote from mrodgers :Big ol' blurb about ice skates and kittens or something....


Hey... winter's ugly head is beginning to show itself. I wanna hit the ice, time to fire up LFS!

Oh wait... crap.
Quote from MAGGOT :Agreed.

Hey... winter's ugly head is beginning to show itself. I wanna hit the ice, time to fire up LFS!

Oh wait... crap.

Hehehe... I always have a hockey stick in my car this time of year...

...in case I get a case of road rage and want to bust some teeth