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Alonso and Mclaren Split
(145 posts, started )
#1 - garph
Alonso and Mclaren Split
awww... the cry baby will have to look for a new pram!
The team did benefit in the short run from his presence but in the long run, not so much.
That was expected. Now to see what team the whiner would join.
#5 - JCTK
the two possible solutions I was hoping for didn't happened... =(

1). sideline Alonso for a year. But McLaren probably can't afford that with their 100million penalty...

2). sell Alonso off to another team. At least McLaren would earn a few millions, but apparantly Alonso is free to go...
Good for him for getting out of there, though I pity whoever takes his seat as goldenboy's number 2 in that hellhole of a team
If he goes to Williams I'm going to punch him in the face. And if Rosberg goes to McLaren I'm going to kidnap him and take him back to Williams. Williams will do well next year. Or they will suffer my wrath.
#8 - axus
Great news!

Quote from mythdat :Good for him for getting out of there, though I pity whoever takes his seat as goldenboy's number 2 in that hellhole of a team

What the hell?! McLaren have kept their dignity this year in my eyes after a really really bad year. Have you been reading Spanish press rather than FIA hearing scripts etc. to make up your own mind about it?
Alonso was provided with a championship winning car... Last time I checked it was Fernando placing his car into some Fuji scenery. He hasn't got much room for complaint. At Malaysia, and Monaco Hamilton played the back up role so we can't see he wasn't favoured at times.

he was just beaten by his team mate, and he didn't like it. You can attach as many things as you want to try and somehow give cred to the idea he is still the 'best driver in the world',He had the equipment, he didn't deliver. That's the fact!
Oh yeah! Hope that bastard goes back to Renault and will be the 10th best team in F1 ( Yep, I hate Alfonzo )
Quote from axus :What the hell?! McLaren have kept their dignity this year in my eyes after a really really bad year. Have you been reading Spanish press rather than FIA hearing scripts etc. to make up your own mind about it?

Have you been listening to "honest Ron" and McLaren press releases?

Alonso is another in a long line of McLaren drivers who will be relieved to get away from Ron's façade of equality and lacking man-management
#12 - axus
Quote from mythdat :Have you been listening to "honest Ron" and McLaren press releases?

Alonso is another in a long line of McLaren drivers who will be relieved to get away from Ron's façade of equality and lacking man-management

So... you're saying that Ron Dennis should have just said to Hamilton "look, we're gonna let Alonso win because he's a double world champion even though you as a rookie are out-classing him"? The problem is not Ron Dennis' policy but Alonso's attitude.

To quote Alonso himself: "I know there have been suggestions of favouritism within the team but in the end I was always provided with an equal opportunity to win". About time he stopped whining.
Quote from axus :So... you're saying that Ron Dennis should have just said to Hamilton "look, we're gonna let Alonso win because he's a double world champion even though you as a rookie are out-classing him"? The problem is not Ron Dennis' policy but Alonso's attitude.

Err, where did you pull that from? I didn't say that at all. If Ron actually backed up his endless preaching about equality with his actions then I'd be more than happy. What I said was that throughout the decades Ron has always had a favourite despite what he claims, and Alonso was unfortunate enough - as were Prost, Coulthard and Montoya - to see this close up. I agree with you about the drivers' attitudes though. Not just Alonso, but also Hamilton - both have huge Egos and Ron failed to deal with that.
At last. McLaren can get a decent number two driver next year, rather than the Spanish crap they had to put up with this year... I believe Prodrive are looking for a driver.

Ron is allowed a favourite driver. That's to be expected. But neither driver will get preferential treatment in terms of cars, setups, strategy etc. And McLaren have always done that (unless you can tell me a specific time they didn't, which won't be in the last 20 years).
#16 - axus
To quote Alonso again, "I know there have been suggestions of favouritism within the team but in the end I was always provided with an equal opportunity to win".
It's a press release. He's looking for a new job and being nice, as we all are when we're being interviewed. Once the contract is done and announced we'll hear what he really thinks.
Alonso goes back to Karting
Nascar here we go!
Quote from Blackout :Nascar here we go!

Or he will go to the official nursing home for ex F1 drivers, the DTM
#21 - Gizz
Quote from mythdat :It's a press release. He's looking for a new job and being nice, as we all are when we're being interviewed. Once the contract is done and announced we'll hear what he really thinks.

i dont think so to be honest, i think mclarean and alonso would have come to some sort of agreement there, plus what ever team takes him on i think they will stipulate strongly that this is left where it is, it does no teams image any good if you driver is making waves, weather that be with another team or his own team its just not good, where ever he goes i think it will be in block capitals "KEEP YA MOUTH SHUT!" as regards to ron/lewis and mclarean as a whole...

either way im not really interested, i hope next season we get to watch some racing cus this season i thought i was watching the parlamentry channels .... all this should have been sorted behind closed doors, IMO alonso killed a whole season single handedly this year... i dont care what you belive happend, alonso made it VERY public...

IMHO i think alonso was talking a load of crap myself, he lost out to his rookie teamate and he lost his head FACT!, as regards this hamilton is getting better treatment??? well when hamilon won his first race (or podium in first race carnt remeber) ron got a bit sentimental... is this a crime???? imo NO, he's had lewis from a young age and to see him do that must have been special, the guy is human!, alonso saw this and flipped out, doesnt mean lewis was getting better gear does it??.. the way alonso talks lewis got a f1 car and he had to race the whole championship in a 125cc kart! *with dodgy tire presures i might add* ....

i still think its sad though fr many reasons but hes a awsome driver, but.... anyway hes gone now thank god, and good luck to his next employers.. "tesco" ???? naaaa he'd be whining he is been given the trollies with dodgy wheels

well lets all make a toast to "whiner"
Nobody will want to drive alongside Hamilton, it would destroy their career. McLaren will end up with whoever the other teams boot out.

Hamilton, or his management, are doing him no favours either, releasing an autobiography when he is barely out of nappies?! Then he moves to another country, effectively abandoning his fans before he is even an established champion.

Next year I would actually be happy if someone like Webber joined Mclaren and beat Hamilton, and did it without complaining like Alonso did. It might shut the British media up, and stop Hamilton becoming a new Schumacher.
#23 - J.B.
Wow, I wonder what that will do to his career. He's probably convinced that any team he goes to will automagically become a front runner. But in reality if he isn't competing for wins next year it will be fair to say that Hamilton more or less destroyed his career. Not many go from top to midfield and back.

And I don't like the idea that Hamilton may not be challenged anymore. The worst thing about Schumacher was that he never had a decent team mate that he could be compared to. Who is there apart from Alonso that can partner Hamilton? I don't think Rosberg wants to take the risk but who knows. Apart from that there's Sutil, who is a good friend of Hamilton and got quite used to getting thrashed by him in F3 Euro.
Rosbergs father would never allow him to partner Hamilton, he is smart enough to know what effect it would have on his career if he were to lose to him on a regular basis. Alonso's only hope of getting to the top is with BMW, but they have 2 very good drivers already. Renault might be better next year, but I don't think they can win races. Outside bet would be Honda, Williams or Red Bull, but again those teams have good driver line ups. I rekon he will end up somewhere like Toyota, and quit after a year there because of how crap they are.

I predict that Ferrari will dominate next season, Mclaren won't have been able to use information gained through so called legal spying now (pictures, word of mouth and guess work), so they will do badly. Methinks Kimi will take a 2nd title, Hamilton will finish 2nd, Kubica 3rd, Massa 4th. You all owe me a cookie is thats right.
Spaniard press says that Red Bull is his first objetive, but he only wants to go there for facilitate his way to Ferrari.
I hope he never goes to Ferrari, it would be a nightmare :zombie:

Alonso and Mclaren Split
(145 posts, started )