if they find a cure for cancer, its possible they are gonna be death (the ones that discover it).... imagina how many millions does the hospitals, or agencies of cancer win with chemotherapy and all th medicines against it, all those hospital or agencies will loose a lot of mooneeey and it can be the end for them, just because one guy destroyed them
Why, because of your years of experience in cellular biology, pharmacology and oncology?
I'm going to keep an eye on this and see what happens. Could be interesting, not only from a medical or scientific point of view. Imagine if DCA showed enough promise to worry pharmaceutical companies enough so that they pressured some governments to avoid funding studies into it - those governments would have a golden opportunity to prove their ethical credentials by doing the right thing and not caving to corporate interests. For once.
However, even if DCA isn't the magic bullet, it seems to have shed some new light on the role of mitochondria in cancer formation, which sounds like a good solid foot in the door to enable other avenues of research which might bear fruit. My best friend's mum died of a non-Hodgkins lymphoma, my cousin and my wife's best mate are both undergoing chemo right now and my aunt survived breast cancer, so anything that can knock this thing down a peg or two is a good thing as far as I'm concerned :up:
If this drug has the potential to cure even 1% of all cancer then they would find funding everywhere. Cancer has ruined many lives and affected millions of people, amoung those people are some of the richest and most powerful people in the world.
But money is the driving force for anything. If you could dream up a way to get every homeless guy off the streets and somehow end up giving each person in the government a few million, they'd all be gone by tomorrow night.
The medical world is the same, there is no money in the cure, only the symptoms. If you cure AIDS you only get money from that, lets say it is $100 to cure AIDS per person. Rounding up the human population to 7 billion, the medical world will get $700 billion from ridding the world of cancer. Fun but why stop there, if you only treat the symptoms and give people longevity, the illness becomes a consistent cash cow.
As with spankmeyer, I can only presume that comment's based on your years of experience in the relevant fields
The "DCA Update" pdf at this site states that they're on their way to raising enough money for a clinical trial, which is what you do when you're testing the efficacy of a new treatment. I don't see the point in calling "bs" before trials have even started