ok i admit it was a bitt naughty of me JUST to quote you on that bitt, in your defence the complete quote was creating a atmosphere or at least letting it develop, but i still stand by what i said,,, what DO you do when your driver is doing those things, yes i agree there's always 2 sides to the coin, i have vented me anger on more than one occasion as regards to my complete HATE of all things media, so i also agree there.. but from what i have seen this season from alonso, thats in interviews and on the track, he gave us a ugly view into his psyche, IMHO he lost it big time this season, if i hadnt know alonso was driving that mclarean i would not belive it was him, his driving and composure was in taters, and thats not like alonso....
in regards to that i dont see a damn thing ron could have done and im not defending mclarean here, but i really dont...
i think the real question is what made him loose it in the first place.. was mclarean at fault there???? you know as mutch as me, i dont think we will ever know, i think the whole idea that alonso was being given less of a chance in pure rubbish imo, why the hell would mclarean pay such huge amounts of money in wages/contracts for alonso 2x wc and put all there efforts into the new kid???, doesnt add up...
this is what i think happened....
alonso joins mclarean as 2x WC, at renault he WAS #1, hamilton is getting a bit more of the lime light in the team than he first thought, he feels a bit pushed out, and its esculated from there, now how mutch lime light hamilton got is open for speculation but thats what happend IMHO.. if u watch hamilton before and after races and when he has retired, he's very friendly with the mechanics and so on, some people hate him for this and i dont think alonso liked it mutch either, he's just not that kinda guy, hence we got the new kid building a masave rapour up with the team and alonso feeling the heat, then the new kid is a bit quicker than he first thought, result total head fart!....
as regards the media there all a bunch of money mad liers, this hamilton thing makes me sick, and im fully aware that that quote fro alonso's manager has probably been twisted and edited to high heaven to get the effect the media want....
but i just did that myself with your quote so i opoligise