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Alonso and Mclaren Split
(145 posts, started )
Quote from NitroNitrous :Spaniard press says that Red Bull is his first objetive, but he only wants to go there for facilitate his way to Ferrari.
I hope he never goes to Ferrari, it would be a nightmare :zombie:

If he takes Webber's seat ninja's wil be dispatched to his home immediately...


Unless that is Webber gets a seat at McFerrari of course.....

No need to reply thanks tristancliffe your Webber hatred is well known
Webber would be his new partner, Coulthard would be fired
DC would go to Toyota if that was the case, DC is consistent and a good points scorer, he still has a few years left in him. Schumacher still had at least 5 years in him when he retired, but he wouldn't be happy unless he was winning championships. I doubt Webber would want to go to Mclaren, Hamilton is not his favourite driver at the moment, he made Webber swear on live tv after all.
#29 - Gizz
i dont think DC will be going anywere, he's still a great driver and hes getting a bit long in the tooth for starting another campaign with another team, plus i think RBR will be a force to be reckoned with next season

as for alonso, i really dont think he will be going anywhere but renault, dont ask me why its just a felling i get, everyone knows how quick he is but i think flavio is the only man to keep alonso alive in F1 now, but its weather alonso will want to walk back into renault...

i just carnt see him going to honda/ RB,... BMW?????? hhhhmmm close second but i dont think BMW would take him even if he is a 2x WC...
Kovalainen has said that he doesn't want to be the 2nd driver in the team and it's a demand from him. If Alonso comes back to Renault, that would mean he leaves but I don't really believe in that... it would be the same case in McLaren too, Hamilton would be clearly the 1st driver. I really doubt Briatore would keep Fisi or bring up Piquet Jr at this point, so I guess Alonso and Kovy are teammates next year (if Alonso comes back to Renault in the first place).
IMO, Renault for sure. Briatore will probably try to keep Kovalainen and kick out Fisichella which is something I wouldn't be happy about but I'm sure if Alonso won 2 titles with them, he would try and see about his 3rd with them again. Even though the Renault didn't perform quite well as it has in the last 2 years, I felt that they were stronger in the last few races of the season so I'm sure with some extra motivation of the possibility of their hero returning, they'll make their 08 car something special again .
This year i think in Renoult
or Red Bull, but next year Ferrarri sure

Fernando is one of the best pilots of history, in is better than Jaimito... err.. Hamilton.

This year Fernando has figth in a hard championship with no only other pilots, has figth with maFIA and his team and his boss.....
Quote from Napalm Candy :...Fernando is one of the best pilots of history...


Wait a moment, I will respond myself: because he is Spanish
Quote from NitroNitrous :Wait a moment, I will respond myself: because he is Spanish

Not many drivers can count on the recognition of all three top teams of the last ten years. Alonso is a great driver, no matter how bad the British (press) want to make him look, to deny that reveals an agenda.

I'm glad for Alonso that he left McLaren, Dennis and his cronies must have created a terrible atmosphere within the team, or at least allowed it to develop, for a enthusiastic and motivated driver like Alonso (remember he signed late 2005) to want to get out of the team as soon as possible.... Hopefully he can get into a competitive car for the 2008 season, it'd be great to see a three team battle, with perhaps a BMW win mixed in there as well.
Quote from mythdat :Err, where did you pull that from? I didn't say that at all. If Ron actually backed up his endless preaching about equality with his actions then I'd be more than happy. What I said was that throughout the decades Ron has always had a favourite despite what he claims, and Alonso was unfortunate enough - as were Prost, Coulthard and Montoya - to see this close up. I agree with you about the drivers' attitudes though. Not just Alonso, but also Hamilton - both have huge Egos and Ron failed to deal with that.

Well, I do agree with you, until you said Coulthard... I don't think Ron Dennis has ever favoured Coulthard... Mika was Ron's #1 in my eyes, just like Kimi was after Mika quit.

I am thinking

[void] > McLaren
McLaren > Alonso
Alonso > Renault
Renault > Fisichella
Fisichella > Toyota
#36 - Gizz
Quote from Tigershark :Not many drivers can count on the recognition of all three top teams of the last ten years. Alonso is a great driver, no matter how bad the British (press) want to make him look, to deny that reveals an agenda.

I'm glad for Alonso that he left McLaren, Dennis and his cronies must have created a terrible atmosphere within the team, or at least allowed it to develop, for a enthusiastic and motivated driver like Alonso (remember he signed late 2005) to want to get out of the team as soon as possible.... Hopefully he can get into a competitive car for the 2008 season, it'd be great to see a three team battle, with perhaps a BMW win mixed in there as well.

im also glad alonso has left

yes naughty mclarean! .... after what alonso has spewed out this season and you blame mclarean for creating a terrable atmosphere??? if i was ron i would have ordered alonso to be whipped 3 times a day with barbed wire, for what he'd done, Ron has actualy gone UP in my book after all this....

"for a enthusiastic and motivated driver like Alonso (remember he signed late 2005) to want to get out of the team as soon as possible" ............oooohhh boy!!, his friggin manager said to the press "alonso WONT BE PUSHED OUT" does read between the lines mean anything??......

yes i hope alonso finds a competative team, what ever has happened he is a grate driver and it would be a shame to see him stuck in stagnent team, but if he does its all his own making...
Quote from Gizz :you blame mclarean for creating a terrable atmosphere?

While that is not exactly what I am saying, the role of McLaren and in particular Ron Dennis had been downplayed all season. He's the highest ranking member of the team, and failed utterly to maintain a stable atmosphere in which his team could win both championships.

Quote from Gizz :...oooohhh boy!!, his friggin manager said to the press "alonso WONT BE PUSHED OUT" does read between the lines mean anything??...

Alonso has on more than one occasion spoke of having dreamt of driving for McLaren, the start of the season was great and both sides were looking forward to a long and successful relationship. The team even launched the MP4-22 in Valencia, Spain and not just because of the support of Santander.

So far we've heard very little from Alonso, and it'd be great to see him give his version of the entire season one day. Taking information from the mainly British media is fun, but it can't be the full story. It can't, not when the author that wants to be taken serious speaks of "Alonso" and his teammate the "boy wonder".
#38 - Gunn
Well, Alonso has been driving both a McLaren and a Ferrari this season so he should be able to step into just about anything
I hope Alonso returns to Renault... I also hope Kovalainen stays, and then pulls a Hamilton on him. We'll see, we'll see.
#40 - Gizz

ok i admit it was a bitt naughty of me JUST to quote you on that bitt, in your defence the complete quote was creating a atmosphere or at least letting it develop, but i still stand by what i said,,, what DO you do when your driver is doing those things, yes i agree there's always 2 sides to the coin, i have vented me anger on more than one occasion as regards to my complete HATE of all things media, so i also agree there.. but from what i have seen this season from alonso, thats in interviews and on the track, he gave us a ugly view into his psyche, IMHO he lost it big time this season, if i hadnt know alonso was driving that mclarean i would not belive it was him, his driving and composure was in taters, and thats not like alonso....

in regards to that i dont see a damn thing ron could have done and im not defending mclarean here, but i really dont...

i think the real question is what made him loose it in the first place.. was mclarean at fault there???? you know as mutch as me, i dont think we will ever know, i think the whole idea that alonso was being given less of a chance in pure rubbish imo, why the hell would mclarean pay such huge amounts of money in wages/contracts for alonso 2x wc and put all there efforts into the new kid???, doesnt add up...

this is what i think happened....

alonso joins mclarean as 2x WC, at renault he WAS #1, hamilton is getting a bit more of the lime light in the team than he first thought, he feels a bit pushed out, and its esculated from there, now how mutch lime light hamilton got is open for speculation but thats what happend IMHO.. if u watch hamilton before and after races and when he has retired, he's very friendly with the mechanics and so on, some people hate him for this and i dont think alonso liked it mutch either, he's just not that kinda guy, hence we got the new kid building a masave rapour up with the team and alonso feeling the heat, then the new kid is a bit quicker than he first thought, result total head fart!....

as regards the media there all a bunch of money mad liers, this hamilton thing makes me sick, and im fully aware that that quote fro alonso's manager has probably been twisted and edited to high heaven to get the effect the media want....

but i just did that myself with your quote so i opoligise
Tigershark, Amen.
i hope Alonso will end up driving for toyota..(yep i hate him)

why would you want to have Alonso in your team? i am sick of his "unfair" bullsh*t...
Hamilton absolutely own him at the start of the season you cant reli blame Ron for favouring Hamilton cause obviously Hamilton has a better chance of winning (and maybe a better driver as well?)
everytime he lost to his teammate he went up to the media and saying all this unfair bull crap ..i mean why dont you just get over it and concentrate on your driving?
the media wont help you to win the least not on the track..

i absolutely hate Alonso after this season. much more than one on this planet..
#43 - SamH
Quote from Tigershark :It can't, not when the author that wants to be taken serious speaks of "Alonso" and his teammate the "boy wonder".

You sound like you object to the term "boy wonder", and in principle I agree simply because I don't like it when journalists use superlatives. Prejudices aside, though, Hamilton's performance in his rookie year has been extraordinary. Use of the term "boy wonder", on balance, is not really so biased.

I don't believe that Hamilton received race-winning special treatment this year. I also don't believe that Alonso received 2nd-grade treatment from the team that would undermine his chances of winning a single race this season. I think that, on balance and in terms of driving, Alonso performed to expectations, while Hamilton performed significantly beyond expectations.
Quote from SamH :Prejudices aside, though, Hamilton's performance in his rookie year has been extraordinary. Use of the term "boy wonder", on balance, is not really so biased.

Lewis Hamilton's first year has been amazing, and he has shown what he is capable of doing. Once he gets more experience he will not make the mistakes he made this year and be a serious contender for the championship if the car he drives is good enough.

However, while the term "boy wonder" is not that much of a big deal, the contrast in the Times article between the description given of Alonso and Hamilton is why I quoted it.

Quote from SamH :I don't believe that Hamilton received race-winning special treatment this year. I also don't believe that Alonso received 2nd-grade treatment from the team that would undermine his chances of winning a single race this season.

That sounds reasonable, I think it's silly to think a million dollar business would purposely sabotage one of it's own cars, or even try to harm the driver's chances of winning the race. That's going way too far into Tinfoil Hat area.

I've often thought that Alonso might have wanted to make McLaren his own little Ferrari project, and win the title that McLaren lost after 1999 in a similar way Michael Schumacher did in 2000 for Ferrari. Hamilton's succes and his popularity within the team and the F1 circus in general must have frustrated Alonso. I think that frustration and his public outburst are to some degree comparable to Michael Schumacher's reluctance to get back in the cockpit of the F399 to help Eddie Irvine win the title he was hired to win. Eventually he did and was a great help in Sepang, but he was all too glad to finish second behind Mika Hakkinen in Suzuka, giving him the title. It's not often you see an experienced world champion so happy with a 2nd place, and I think you could see the same smile that Michael had on the 1999 podium in Japan on Alonso's face in Brazil.
It's rare to be at this stage of the year and still be so unsure as to where so many established drivers are going to be racing next season. Say what you want about Alonso's skill, but if he wasn't about F1 wouldn't be half as interesting!
Quote from TiJay :Can't imagine Sutil in a McLaren to be honest


Out of those 3, I actually would like Sutil to drive there the most.
Because he's even worse in the wet than Hamilton, and that's saying something.

Also, Sutil's had more than his fair share of spins and newbie shunts IIRC. (I could be wrong about that bit but every time I've heard his name during a race it's been due to him ballsing it up)
Quote from TiJay :Also, Sutil's had more than his fair share of spins and newbie shunts IIRC. (I could be wrong about that bit but every time I've heard his name during a race it's been due to him ballsing it up)

What? Wow, the british TV must be really bad!

Just look where he drove with the obviously worst car in the field. He was driving against the Toyotas, Red Bull and Renault in some races. Compare that to his teammate(s). He certainly can't be that bad.

And how is Hamilton bad in the wet? He even won a wet race this season.
#50 - Gizz
Quote from TiJay :Hamilton's teammate preferences: ... t/formula_one/7076956.stm

If Kovalinen goes to McLaren, that leaves a gap for Alonso at Renault. Seems pretty straightforward. Can't imagine Sutil in a McLaren to be honest, Rosberg could do a decent job though.

that link is just what i was talking about in the F1 thread!!!, i like hamilton i think he's shlt off a shovel, and once he learns a few things could be one hell of a driver, but a lot of people are saying "he plays the media"... do me a favour and take a look at that link and tell me he's PLAYING the media!!...

hamilton better learn quick cus he's gonna cause his own downfall one day, he just doesnt know when to zip it...

it doesnt take a brain surgen to work out mclarean havent signed any new drivers yet or even got a driver 70% lined up, and already lewis is dropping names, ok this one isnt a biggie granted but i think hamilton is supper driver and seems a decent enough guy too, i just wish he would learn to keep the media at arms length, they always do this,...

hamilton if your reading this do a kimi!!!!!!!! say nothing and nail em on track job done, if kimi was asked that Q. he would just say, errrrrr all the drivers in f1 are good drivers so any really thats the teams job not mine!...

next have you seen the the link on that page???

"hamilton want alonso out of team"

:doh: lewis get ya head screwed on and quick, cus pissing into the wind here, the media will eat ya alive

Alonso and Mclaren Split
(145 posts, started )