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Joystick to Shifter!
(76 posts, started )
#1 - 9mmNL
Joystick to Shifter!
Hello all!

Just got LFS S2 unlocked and got very enthousiast (misspelled? :P). Been browsing racesim forums all day long aswell and bumped into a topic about FFshifter. This tool makes your force feedback joystick into a shifter

So I tried the tool with my Wingman Force (very first force feedback joystick from logitech), worked well...but I was missing the knob. So I grabbed the gearknob from my momo force wheel (never use it anywayz since it got shifting paddles) but it didnt fit. After a bit messing around I got it fitting the right way

I really recommend this if you have a FF joystick which u never use. It really adds something special
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#3 - latch
I've got the same joystick. I think you'll find that it won't produce all of the forces it's supposed to because it can only produce 8 effects at once. Because of this problem, I found I was always shifting from 2nd to 5th, and 5th to 6th instead of 4th cause there was no force from the right towards the centre.

Sequential style force fields still work normally cause there are less than 8 forces. ... 2577911&postcount=218 ... 2581197&postcount=245

Awesome work with the shifter knob though.

Btw, the spelling is enthusiastic
That's not "Wingman Force 3D". It's the previous(?) model plain "Wingman Force".

"Wingman Force 3D" is the best joystick for to use with FFShifter. At least the most popular anyway and the author of FFShifter has it too so the support is best for it. I ordered one yesterday.
#5 - 9mmNL
Haven't had problems at all with the forces. It depends on how you set up FFshifter, I just have 6 force fields for 1th to R gear + 2 force feelds for upper spring and lower spring (lowered the max force on those else the knob is bouncing up and down :P).

About the wingman force actually is the best choice to convert it to a shifter cuz u can just screw on every shifter knob u want without custom made clambs made out of wood
#6 - Vain
I got a FF shifter since yesterday, and I have to admit that it was the best expense in months.
It just feels good.

#7 - latch
9mmNL: can you please post your force field files for me?

Deggis: Yes both 9mmNL and I have the Force, not Force 3D
#8 - 9mmNL
Quote from latch :9mmNL: can you please post your force field files for me?

Here are the forcefields...they are the way how i like em so dont complain if u think its messed up
Did u managed to get a knob on your logitech force?
Attached files - 2.2 KB - 574 views
Can u tell me guys is it hard to make this shifter.. I can't seem to find here, nor the RSC some detailed explanation.. In that FF shifter thread it's all about the program, not the process of making the shifter from FF joystick..
Is it hard to replace the knob? Is it hard to remove all that unnecessary plastic? I am not much of a craftwerk guy, so it would be nice if there is some step by step explanations of doing this.. Would be bad if i broke something and my 30 euros goes to waste..
Quote from Boris Lozac :Can u tell me guys is it hard to make this shifter.. I can't seem to find here, nor the RSC some detailed explanation.. In that FF shifter thread it's all about the program, not the process of making the shifter from FF joystick..
Is it hard to replace the knob? Is it hard to remove all that unnecessary plastic? I am not much of a craftwerk guy, so it would be nice if there is some step by step explanations of doing this.. Would be bad if i broke something and my 30 euros goes to waste.. ... =2541549&postcount=97

I don't get my joystick until next week so I haven't tried yet. Messing around with the screwdriver is not either my favourite hobby but should be as easy as it's in those pics.
Just unscrew all screws and see how it is assembled, from there u can see what u can leave off/on
I can't top GrandSurf's effort, but I did get mine done and working well

Quote from 9mmNL :Here are the forcefields...they are the way how i like em so dont complain if u think its messed up
Did u managed to get a knob on your logitech force?

Thanks for the forcefields. They work very well.

Here are a few pictures of it all set up. A few pieces of wood keep the momo knob in place and secured on the joystick base. Also, I've got a spare momo wheel here that I'm using for a clutch.
My new Shifter Gentleman, i use FFshifter too
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Where are you guys getting your gear knobs from? I'm on the verge of ordering a Wingman force 3D (i already have a non-force version ). But I don't have a mono to borrow the gear knob from, and I can't take the one out my DFP because I need the sequential shifter when I'm playing GT4 on the PS2.
From -Car Parts Shops- only 14 euro
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Bild 22.jpg
I got my knob from my momo force...never use it anywayz
Xenix74, how are you attaching it to the joystick?

I have a spare car gear knob that looks similar to the one you linked to, a universal thread on thing, but I can't figure out how to attach it to the joystick. For tools I only have hand tools and a dremel to work with.
here is a earlier foto
i use a long screw without a head and short them after

In the packet i buy with the Shifter, was 2 different Rings for attachment.
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Nice work, your shifter looks good.

If anyone who has a Logitech wingman force 3d has a couple of secs spare, would it be at all possible for you to measure the diamater of the white plastic tube? I just figured out how to take my spare gearknob apart and it uses 3 set screws to clamp on and has a removable plastic insert, so I'd like to know if I can just screw it straight onto the joystick shaft or not. Cheers.
can anyone give me another link? RSC seems to be down atm
(STF) DELETED by STF : dead links
Quote from deggis :FFShifter thread:

It's a great utility. I just got a few days ago horrible fewer about this and today I ordered Logitech Wingman Force 3D. Kinda stupid to buy a new joystick (about 50 €) for this purpose.

For someone who don't know how it works check the vid in this thread: ... =2523818&postcount=44 (the video has some weird "Indeovideo 5.10" codec, some ppl have had trouble watching it but it worked for me)

i meant these links
if using a joystick for an ebrake (just ordered the microsoft sidewinder 2 for $25 off ebay, will the FF be necessary? i dont believe it has FF so i just want to make sure im not missing out on anything.
Quote from s2knott :if using a joystick for an ebrake (just ordered the microsoft sidewinder 2 for $25 off ebay, will the FF be necessary? i dont believe it has FF so i just want to make sure im not missing out on anything.

Yep, FFB is needed.

Joystick to Shifter!
(76 posts, started )