The online racing simulator
Hey guys, i made my very first skin, i want to post it but it is over 5mb, and i dont have the space to upload files as a demo user, but i will post it when i get S2, hopefully not to far away
Cheers Michael
A 5mb jpeg? I think you have compression issues there. If you want to upload it to LFSW (when you get S2) you'll need a version under 400kb.
More than likely still a .PSD at that size...
lol how is this wrong area im posting skins
This thread is reserved for XR-type cars only (XRG, XRT, XRR), so even if you posted a skin here, it's still the wrong area. There's one for all the LX-type cars as well, you just have to look.
ahh thankyou yuni sry all wasnt paying attention
i have another skin sry, not posting this one

plz tell me what you think i need some criticism
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its ok but its kinda plain
but preety good tho, high res nice
OOOOOOOOO more good skins....

thanks C4OZ and skiners team.
Quote from C40Z :[CENTER]our latest xrt skins from design dudes, hope ya guys like it!





damnit! you make the best skins ever!

/OT: WTH!? :The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 1 characters.
alright boys i got another skin for you all,
its a basic skin and you can feel free to add
drift names and such to this skin,


Quote from 1337sause :alright boys i got another skin for you all,
its a basic skin and you can feel free to add
drift names and such to this skin,


i fail at gradients. so good job.
Quote from HKS_ERALD :its ok but its kinda plain
but preety good tho, high res nice

thx man, yeah i thought it was a bit plain myslef too
(Zachary Zoomy) DELETED by Zachary Zoomy : -
Quote from C40Z :...

Hmm... nice skins, but is it a fashion at Design Dudes to put fake bodykit and headlights on all the damn skin you release? They we're cool at a time... But now they just suck
Redneck Ricer

One of my friend requested this 'skin', so I thought I'd make it public

It's already one LFSW

*Sorriy for the poor preview, Gimp saved it at 85% quality and red looks shit *
You could've made that in game, minus the door pillars.
Quote from beefyman666 :You could've made that in game, minus the door pillars.

I know, but I like to take on easy requests
Quote from C40Z :
our latest xrt skins from design dudes, hope ya guys like it

greetz caoz

you made my favorite car from D1 (although theres a newer version nowerdays).
still very nice skin
Quote from beefyman666 :You could've made that in game, minus the door pillars.

I'm afraid you can't. Changing the roof to black would change the bonnet also while the wing would still be red.
(Riders Motion) DELETED by Riders Motion
D1 gp skin
heres another skin from me hope u like =) comments plz
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crysis is the best fps game ever...

that being said, I MADE A SKIN ON IT
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XR Skins (All)
(7350 posts, started )