The online racing simulator
(26 posts, started )
The link for the AnalyzeForSpeed applicaton listed in the LFS manual is not functional. Anyone know anything about this. I would like to watch WR holders drive the tracks with throttle, brake, etc. parameters to view.

AFS is attached. Please note that you will also need to download/update the SMX files which can be grabbed at this page.
Attached files - 75.7 KB - 646 views
When i try to open a replay, it says "couldn't load a track for Aston!".
#4 - kaynd
Thanks for the quick reply, it works fine now.
Have you tried LRA ?

I did. But i still think AFS is better. Much better.
Thanks felplacerad.
I guess I could have found it if I kept looking, but since the link in the manual was dead ... I thought I'd better ask.
Nevertheless, now that I've got it ... I gave it a try and think it's a great feature.

Now, is there any way to view the World Record laps for each track?

Thanks again
Quote from DavidSS :
Now, is there any way to view the World Record laps for each track?

No need to reply to the above ... figured it out.

Where is AnalyseForSpeed?
Hi racers,

I'm new to LFS and just starting to picking up the ins and outs of the simulation. So far I think it's an fantastic racing simulator. I've read that there should be a great tool to analyse replays - AnalyseForSpeed. Problem is that the link I've got doesn't work (
Does anyone know where I can get a hold on this tool?

doh.. too slow
I've been looking for this too - boy do I need it..
Never mind,

I found a downloadable link to the tool in this thread:

If I had put a 'z' instead of an 's' in the word analyze from the beginning I would have found the thread before I asked

Now all I need is some nice replays to compare with... Would be nice to have a replay of the WR for Formula BMW FB02 at Blackwood.

Edit: Ah, thanks Bob Smith. I didn't saw your reply before I posted mine. Thanks anyway for taking your time
Quote from ReiLar :Now all I need is some nice replays to compare with... Would be nice to have a replay of the WR for Formula BMW FB02 at Blackwood.

Just go to LFS World and click hotlaps. You'll be able to browse and download any uploaded replay (click the WR tab and then on a time to download the SPR).
Thanks felplacerad, thats exactly what I was looking for. Now I'm starting to make myself at home in the LFS community.

Thanks to all help
Back to racing again
It doesn't work with Blackwood since the track change (still shows the old BL while the racing line goes like the new BL). I'm sort of confused about this. I always thought AFS just has a pre-rendered picture of the track. It's been a while since I used it and now I remember we needed to add the smx files. But why doesn't BL work then?
Kurent, the track files are downloaded and installed separately. Grab the 0.5Y smx files from (Direct Link).
Yeah that was the problem, I downloaded the old smx by mistake.

Damn I thought AFS was obsolete and I'm working on my own analyzer that reads smx files.
Installed it but can't find the correct file path - any help here

...@ polyracer

Read this thread before posting...

FIRST download the Patch y SMX files..

Second make a new folder in your LFS/data named SMX....

THIRD move the SMX files into that folder.

FOURTH download the WR hotlap...HAS TO BE A SPR... NOT MPR. While watching the replay hit ESC and click on save as RAF. The RAF file will save the lap AFTER you have told it to.. And will be saved in LFS/data/RAF.

EXAMPLE: I am watching a 5 lap WR hotlap replay in SPR format. I know the WR lap is on the third. Half way through the second lap I press ESC and hit save as RAF. It will save the third lap and will be put in LFS/data/RAF.
wat does this program do?
Basically it shows you where you are loosing time. TRY IT!!!
all it does is show 2 or more replays at the same time. So you can compare your self to the WR to see where u loose time and where he pins it around that one corner.
Very strange!!I have read the thread ,downloaded the smx files ,put it in the created smx folder in data and it still tells me it cant find blackwood.

(26 posts, started )