Some may have noticed this already, but i'll post it here anyway 
Within the latest month F1rst Racing has signed two new drivers;
After leaving F1RST in the spring of 2007 due to other commitments, "Bas Bouma" (Lfsworld: Darkone55) found the time and the commitment to be active again. We are happy to see Bas return as our 'open wheel wonder boy', and he's a great addition to our already diverse team.
The second driver joined us within the last week, who's name is Martin Brunzel. He's been a multiple wr holder in LFS world ever since the physics update, under the username "Maddin15".
The 16 year old driver has shown great attitude and motivation during the latest period of time, and we're definately proud of having him onboard.
You'll recognize them as 1ST » B.Bouma and 1ST » M.Brunzel on public servers : )
On behalf of the whole team, Welcome!

Within the latest month F1rst Racing has signed two new drivers;
After leaving F1RST in the spring of 2007 due to other commitments, "Bas Bouma" (Lfsworld: Darkone55) found the time and the commitment to be active again. We are happy to see Bas return as our 'open wheel wonder boy', and he's a great addition to our already diverse team.
The second driver joined us within the last week, who's name is Martin Brunzel. He's been a multiple wr holder in LFS world ever since the physics update, under the username "Maddin15".
The 16 year old driver has shown great attitude and motivation during the latest period of time, and we're definately proud of having him onboard.
You'll recognize them as 1ST » B.Bouma and 1ST » M.Brunzel on public servers : )
On behalf of the whole team, Welcome!