The online racing simulator
cockpit thread
(5 posts, started )
cockpit thread
why not post a pic or pics of your cockpit if you have one,no matter how simple, and maybe some info, gives you a chance toshow off andhelp others withthe design of theres, and thats why i come up with the idea cos im designing one and would like to see what others have done
yeah but that is full of chat the idea here is to have a minimum of chat and that one died but i did forget about it

edit: and also there arnt that many 'cockpits' there
Well there's alot of cockpits posted in this thread, some very nice ones too. I have looked through this myself a while ago. There's some nice advice in there too on building your own. I'm not up for searching through it to find them though.
yeah i know of that one its just the ages searching that gets me but hey a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do lol

cockpit thread
(5 posts, started )