Its so pathetic that people get so so pissed off like this about games, that they would goto the extremes of killing.
It makes me think if games do affect people.
Dont get me wrong, i do get pissed off sometimes at games, but the most i ever do is give up or say something like "oh ffs".
Also, remember in runescape about a year ago where that one dude got his account hacked (apparently, he was a very high leveled player with lots of rare items and loads of cash). This kid lost all his items and cash. So what did he do? The next day, he hung himself. Bare in mind this kid was 13....
Stop acting so pathetic people and remember its a game!
This people are crazy, as Nathan_French_14 said the worst thing I've done is smashing my game pad into the floor and say "Que chingaderas!" (Damn it!).
Eh? Ever notice you don't see th84 in the servers anymore? I got mad at him on the CTRA server because he made me crash, thus increasing my yellow flag percentage. So I flew down to where he lives and took care of it. Now th84 won't be bothering anyone...