The online racing simulator
Some questions:

I have started a Dedicated Host Server, I open the ports on my router and everything is working perfect.

1st - How can I change the colour of the fonts in the servername ?
My fonts are black and I don't know how to colour them..
2nd - On some servers I see red or green splittimes.
3rd - On some servers I see (in big fonts) server PB.!!!
4th - Sometimes I see text like "great split by ............."

How can I do this sort of things, there's nothing about this in the manuel ??

Maybe this is asked before but I can't find it, (in the +580.0000 posts)
Attached images
Quote from HeerBommel : 1st - How can I change the colour of the fonts in the servername ?
My fonts are black and I don't know how to colour them..

You use the colour codes listed here ... red_server.2Fhost_name.3F

Quote from HeerBommel : 2nd - On some servers I see red or green splittimes.

That's part of LFS and happens when you do better or worse than you last lap.

Quote from HeerBommel : 3rd - On some servers I see (in big fonts) server PB.!!!
4th - Sometimes I see text like "great split by ............."

That's done via an InSim based addon - LFSLapper is the most frequently used one and can be found here:
Thanks for your quick reply
Quote from the_angry_angel :You use the colour codes listed here......

fixed, I didn't think about that, it's the old S1 colour system...:banghead:
Quote from the_angry_angel :That's part of LFS and happens when you do better or worse than you last lap.

No, that only works for laptimes, not for splittimes, but maybe LFSLapper can do that aswell.
Attached images
please help
so i was trying to make a server but when I push GO to start the server is shows TPC Socket:bind failed...what does it mean and how can I fix this problem??? please help
Can i get someones MSN mesenger ID and they help me step by step..I sem to be a complete idoit ive tryed 13 times every time i redownloaded and did step by step and all i still ant do it...[Im dumb] or atleast i feel it..HAHA
im not kidding oi do need help please!!
I am quite frankly, horrified at the amount of stuff all to do with what I had always assumed was the simplest set up, to give oneself a fancy name, a cute password, and hey, up and away, you can have a "secret" host name and you're off and running.
I'm impressed at your knowledge of all things to do with LFS, Angry Angel, but all that stuff, reading and comprehending it, is way beyond me.
Honest it is.
It looks like finding a public track is all that is available to me.
Making sense of all that is beyond me.
I appreciate your willingness to offer it to me but, I'm sorry, it looks far too complicated.
Admittedly there's a lot of information here, but that's to be as useful to as many people as possible. If you're running a game, on a home connection, behind a router, all you're likely to need to do is to logon to your home router, and setup the port forwarding, of 63392 TCP and UDP to go to the IP address of your computer running the game.

You don't have to set a static IP on the computer running the server (although if you don't you need to be aware that you may need to periodically change the port forwarding rules, etc.)
Save my Sanity
Been running a few servers here in New Zealand. Was (tcrally and tcsrally). Now changed to lfsnz and lfsnzx, (lfsnzx is now a problem). Racers connecting get "connecting to host" and thats it. Checked cfg file, IP addy, port forward etc. hasn't goner since update to Y patch. Going to clone the other server dir (when at work tomorrow) but is there any Simple thing i might have forgotten (works locally). Happy new year OH and P.S. when it was on as demo, it was seen in the lfs list ??
Quote from Swivel :Been running a few servers here in New Zealand. Was (tcrally and tcsrally). Now changed to lfsnz and lfsnzx, (lfsnzx is now a problem).

You mean you've changed the host name, or you're actually hosting them somewhere else? Sorry, but that's just not clear.

What are you hosting them on, windows or linux? Are you aware that for patch Y, and the later X test patches, the /autokick=spectate must be changed to /autokick=spec?
All going
the_angry_angel. I gave up. (I had re-installed etc), then just copied the lfsnz dir onto the other PC, Changed the basic info and all going. Seams something went wrong when upgrading from X to Y. Windows by the way
at least it's working
Dificulties running lfs dedicated server
Umm... i read most of the above posts, but i haven't find the anwser to mine.

I am behind a LevelOne router. I have opened all the ports and everything, but clients can't connect to me. Furthermore only the members of my LAN can connect on my server. The problem is that my ip isn't asign to my computer, but my computer only register a network ip ( I tried using an ip feauture in the config file, setting it to my IP in the global range ( which is static, but i get an error in the program: "TCP Socket: Bind failed".

I'm really really frustrated by this. I am not experienceing dificulties in LFS server only. I have the same problem on CS server, however i never have this problem running more sophisticated programs like Apache, Postfix, Shoutcast server...

I'm looking forward any ideas you can come up with =).

P.S: I want to run server on windows XP machine without any firewalls, only router which has ports open...
i get this "TCP Socket: Bind failed" when the port, which LFS should use is already used by another app...
Just try to use another Port like 64333 or so! Check also the InSim port!
Quote from Tramsak :Umm... i read most of the above posts, but i haven't find the anwser to mine.

I regret to inform you that that you have.

Running a LFS server is exactly the same as running an Apache server and Shoutcast. With one exception.

LFS uses BOTH TCP and UDP. Therefore you need to setup a single port forwarding rule to use both, OR two rules for the same port number, one for TCP and one for UDP.

If you do not do this correctly then people will be unable to connect, and I would put money on this causing your problem.

CS also uses BOTH TCP and UDP.

Apache and Shoutcast use TCP or UDP only, depending on how you set it up in each instance.

This explains your situation perfectly.

Quote from CrazyICE :i get this "TCP Socket: Bind failed" when the port, which LFS should use is already used by another app...
Just try to use another Port like 64333 or so! Check also the InSim port!

Whilst this is true, you also get a TCP bind error if you try and bind to an IP that is NOT present on a local adapter. Which is what Tramsak has said he's tried to do.

I will say this again:

You cannot bind to an IP that is not registered to a network interface on the computer you're running the server on.
i.e. you cannot run LFS on your PC and setup LFS to bind to your router's public IP. Networking does not work like that.

If you want I can qualify this statement, but rather than bore people with technical crap feel free to take it on trust.
I see. After i got into a little bit more, I found out that i really shouldn't use Windows XP. Somehow the port forwarding doesn't work for my PC or i must be dumb (which could be the case). So i will try to set up a server with wine on a Unix based machine.

Quote :
You cannot bind to an IP that is not registered to a network interface on the computer you're running the server on.
i.e. you cannot run LFS on your PC and setup LFS to bind to your router's public IP. Networking does not work like that.

Although its offtopic it won't hurt anyone...
I somehow imagined this yes, but i really don't understand why. Actually what confuses me is the Apache VirtualHost function. If apache can recognize from which domain client connected to your computer, even if it isn't assigned to your PC, programs like LFS could also listen on that domains, IPs...

Thank you for your help. In the end I think it was windows that I can't get along with =).
Quote from Tramsak :I see. After i got into a little bit more, I found out that i really shouldn't use Windows XP. Somehow the port forwarding doesn't work for my PC or i must be dumb (which could be the case). So i will try to set up a server with wine on a Unix based machine.

if you're hiding behind NAT (a home router) then it doesn't matter what OS you use if you can't get the port forwarding right

Apache VirtualHost works by looking at the Host header in the HTTP request and then figures out where to go from there, so you're not actually doing anything in terms of networking and binding to IP. To be technical that's a higher protocol level issue, which isn't applicable to LFS.

When you bind to an IP you're telling the networking protocol to use that IP to listen on only, and to send as that address. Since networking is, usually, a two way thing if the IP isn't present it won't let you bind as that IP. You can get around this, but it's only used for "dodgy" purposes
Despite any facts you can throw at me. Router port forward to my computer doesn't work. I tried installing LFS at my fathers computer (same OS) and everything works fine. Amazing!
Now i installed him a VNC server so i'll be able to use it without walking all over the house

Thank you for the help the_angry_angel and for clearing out the dark spots in my knowledge

PS: Sorry for spelling mistakes i've made, i'm not English (i'm from Slovenia). By the way, after 1.1.2008 Slovenia is on the head of EU =)
Hehehe, your English is much better than my Slovenian (trust me, you're very good - I have to deal with English people, at work, who I can barely understand, sometimes )
How do I get the a welcome message on a full client server? or can't I?
I don't know if this'll work, as I've not tested it, but try making welcome.txt with your message in the same location as LFS.exe. When you've started up your server type /welcome=welcome.txt into a chat window. It may work, or it may not
Maybe someone of you can help me. I read a lot of post the last few days here, but noone had an problem like me.

I'm want to run an LFS Server and get all of the install thingies to work, now following the problem:

I have a router and portforwarded my IP and gave access to the two ports (both TCP and UDP). When i open up the Server my friends can connect because they know the Name of the Server, and it works. But they cant see the server on the master server list, so no other people can join my server /host.

Solution for this ?

Other thing is, if i open up the LFS server on my other computer, which is in the same Network ( i cant connect. It recognizes that there is a server, but it fails on connect.

Any help would be nice.

Thx in advance!

Hey the_angry_angel! I need help with my router I have a Belkin 54 G+ and i forwarded ports TCP 63392 and UDP 63392. So i tryed to connect to my server it said Clientconnect : connect failed. I told one of my buddies to try. The same thing happend. Does anyone knopw how to forward outbound ports on a belkin?

I NEED HELP! Please!
Hello Can Some One Help!

Guide: Running an LFS Server
(666 posts, started )