O_O I thought that died out a long time ago? I finally saw the film last night btw
On-topic: Harjun. Go-karting isn't just another fad. You have to realise the value of money. Lep, you spoke with me about my tendancy to burn though cash, but I haven't been spending £700 every week on the latest fad. Do you have any idea of the value of money? I spent £500 on lacrosse gear 2 years ago and it has LASTED me. You've spent, what, £700 on a gaming PC you don't use (actually send it my way. I could use a test rig for Linux), About £400 on a laptop you don't use very often and nearly broke, and god knows how much on other crap that you don't need, but got simply because it was shiny. Also, don't expect your parents to bail you out every single time. They simply cannot afford it
Also, you repeatedly lie on the forums. Not just on this forum, but on MSN, on the ebuyer forums, on the overclocking forums. You annoy members by asking stupid questions then wonder why you get flamed. You keep saying you'll change your ways. But you don't. You claim to have quit LFS because you got bored with it. But you were mostly on cruise servers, or a server you started, or CTRA. And as Jakg said, you've done hardly any combos at all.
Also, quit moaning about being treated unfairly. You bring it al on yourself
So in conclusion:
1) Stop lying
2) Stop spending money like water
3) Work out what you NEED, not what you want
4) Do some research before posting
5) Don't spam
Thanks for reading
And good night