Well, weekend, here we come!
First of all, whoever is not interested in anything concerning cruise servers, whoever just bought LFS for racing - STOP reading, it´s boring
I could find a subforum about leagues & events, but not about cruise servers, that´s the only reason why i post it in General LFS Discussion.
Famous OVAL BF1 WR holder Plaztik has been banned from LTC by Darren
- not that much of a problem, but instead of listening to the whole story, it seems like Darren simply has a problem with Plaztik - maybe just waited for a chance to ban him - and can´t really admit it. so instead of having to face the public, he decided to start closing and even deleting threads. I tried again to talk to him in a reasonable manner,
but i fear he might just delete this thread again, and as far as i know, on lfsforum threads don´t get deleted as long as there´s nothing really immature or so in it. so i add a copy of the thread to this post
the original (closed) thread where Darren states why he banned Plaztik is still there, and Plaztik´s response before it was closed includes a link to the replay which was recorded before the incident. it´s not that long for a cruise replay, took me like 20 minutes to watch... so if you´re a slow reader, you might already have spent that time until you reached this point
anyway, just in case that first thread gets deleted as well, here´s the replay. just curious how this goes on - and if Darren now bans all FM´s from LTC 
P.S. I know there´s a banned thread in the beginners section, but if i remember correctly, it´s called "I have been banned..." which isn´t the case (yet)...
First of all, whoever is not interested in anything concerning cruise servers, whoever just bought LFS for racing - STOP reading, it´s boring

I could find a subforum about leagues & events, but not about cruise servers, that´s the only reason why i post it in General LFS Discussion.
Famous OVAL BF1 WR holder Plaztik has been banned from LTC by Darren

but i fear he might just delete this thread again, and as far as i know, on lfsforum threads don´t get deleted as long as there´s nothing really immature or so in it. so i add a copy of the thread to this post

the original (closed) thread where Darren states why he banned Plaztik is still there, and Plaztik´s response before it was closed includes a link to the replay which was recorded before the incident. it´s not that long for a cruise replay, took me like 20 minutes to watch... so if you´re a slow reader, you might already have spent that time until you reached this point

P.S. I know there´s a banned thread in the beginners section, but if i remember correctly, it´s called "I have been banned..." which isn´t the case (yet)...