The online racing simulator
"Drift Resistance" What is with this?
(130 posts, closed, started )
Quote from Woz :
Neither is a valid techniquee or strategy of the other.

I find it already meaningless to say "just another strategy" when even the goals aren't the same.
Quote from Cr!t!calDrift :
Drifting and racing have different goals, but aren't they just different ways of going around a track? Therefore they are not much different, aside that one is slow and slippery, and the other is fast and with more traction.

it would be more easier for people to understand you if you just said what you mean "Drifting and Racing are both motor sports, that's what they have in common"
but ofcourse every bloody fool understands that since it's obvious...
make your posts more clear even if it means that youre openly stating the obvious
Quote from Cr!t!calDrift :As I said, Drifting is just another strategy in racing, it's not much different. Some people choose to use it primarily, others only use it in worst-case scenarios

Drifting is a technique for taking a corner? Yes.
Drifting is a strategy used in racing? No.

I think the main source for this quarrel is wording or how certain words are understood. In general, "strategy" describes a way of doing things that leads to success - that helps you reach your goal.
Quote from :a plan, method, or series of maneuvers or stratagems for obtaining a specific goal or result

It seems you use it as "a way of doing things", which is only half of what it actually means.

The goal in racing is being the first to cross the finish line. If you use drifting, then you knowingly do something that puts you further away from reaching your goal, so drifting is as much a strategy as is using only the reverse gear. It's something you can do in a race, but it is not a strategy, as it will never help winning the race. That is, of course, if your goal is winning the race. However, if it isn't, then by definition you are not racing.
That makes sense, I agree. Though perhaps we have different views of drifting.

I am seeing drifting as sliding around the corner with more angle, and in a race, sometimes you are forced into a slide.

To strictly drift without racing is another thing, but I was not talking about that. And even then, it IS another way of going around a track, just with a different goal.

But even then, how the hell can you judge someone on how they go around the track? It's ridiculously prejudicial to make such a notion.
Drifting can be faster then racing on some corners. The best example is DevilZ's WR on Blackwood Track Reverse. On the last corner he drifts it and still gets the world record. I think it was beaten now but it still got him a world record.

Racing is faster then drifting most of the time. If you drift every corner with a high angle you obviously can't expect to go faster then someone who grips through them all. If you slide just a bit sometimes it can be faster however that is not always seen as drifting. I tried keepin all the grip on the last corner of Blackwood Track Reverse and I tried drifting it (Obviously not a 90 degree drift) but it did give me a better time.

Drifting can also save you sometimes in a race. Lets say you brake and take a turn but you don't see someone coming on the inside and he catches your tail and the back of your car starts sliding. If you know how to drift, you will simply control it and maybe lose a bit of time, however if you don't you will probably just spin out or lose control and lose a lot more time.

So sometimes drifting can help you reach your goal but most of the time it does'nt.

As for judging how you go around a track. I don't know if you've ever seen on Youtube or anything how they judge D1 drift events but they usually don't judge the whole track. They take two or three corners and they judge depending on the speed of entry, the angle, I think even the smoke. So the goal is way different then racing here.

If you use it in tight corners where it is going to make you gain some time then it can be seen as a strategy and if it'll help you when you lose control it can be seen as a strategy aswell. I'm just getting into racing and I'm not too sure about this so correct me if I'm wrong but I think it was either on the first lap or the last where you are aloud to block so that you don't let other drivers pass you. Don't quite remember where I saw this but I did. If you see someone is faster then you then if you drift you block his way in the corner. That strategy is often used in drift battles. I believe that some drift battles have as a purpous to get the best time but then again both ''racers'' must be drifting because if one grips he will obviously end up winning. The best way of knowing who wins is still a judge who will see if they were both drifting.

Now that I've started racing, I race when I want a challenge and competition and I've been drifting for a year and a half now so I drift when I want to relax and slide around. Not slide as a battle but slide to get a good angle and keep it smooth.

Racing is faster then drifting 99% of the time. But theres still those tight corners when your tires are hot where you can just slide through and get a better time.
Drifting can be seen as a strategy in a race sometimes.
Quote from evilpimp :Drifting can be faster then racing on some corners.

you have no idea how many people you have lost right at that point
#82 - Woz
This whole argument at the moment boils down to a definition of drift.

Crit-drift and a couple of others appear to shift arguments and definition of what drift is between show drift and getting a few degrees into slip to suit what they are saying. Lets get this straight now can we....

Getting a few degrees into slip is NOT drifting. The tyres are scrubbing but you are not in a slide etc. This IS a valid and common technique to use in a race. It will NOT slow you down and can be faster than not using it. The slight increase in tyre wear is also acceptable in most cases. You are still in optimal grip.

Show drifting is about style over speed. It is not a technique used in any race series I can think of by any driver (Apart from rally but then loose surface racing is a different sport again). If you show drift in a race it will SLOW you down and in a close bumper to bumper fight WILL cause a pile up because the car on your arse WILL be faster.

Yes anyone that wants to drive really fast has to know what happens as a car gets out of shape, how to control and recover from that. You need to be comfortable when the car is out of shape to know where the edge is and hold on to it. This is all part of a thing we call car control. If you don't understand how to drift a car and the effects of different levels of slip angle you won't be fast.

Can we please keep the definition to SHOW DRIFTING. This whole thread is about why there is friction between the two groups.
Quote from Cr!t!calDrift :I am seeing drifting as sliding around the corner with more angle, and in a race, sometimes you are forced into a slide.

ROFL. Keep it up. No really, it's hilarious
Quote from evilpimp :Drifting can be faster then racing on some corners. The best example is DevilZ's WR on Blackwood Track Reverse. On the last corner he drifts it and still gets the world record. I think it was beaten now but it still got him a world record.

If he is beaten, how can it be faster? Think about that...
Quote from Woz :
Can we please keep the definition to SHOW DRIFTING. This whole thread is about why there is friction between the two groups.

The thread is called Drift Resistance =/

Quote from tristancliffe :ROFL. Keep it up. No really, it's hilarious

I've ignored comments like this until this point.

Tristan, please, if your comment does not in any way propel the debate, then keep it to yourself.

Quote from bbman :If he is beaten, how can it be faster? Think about that...

Considering how many he beat using that technique as well.
#86 - Woz
Quote from Cr!t!calDrift :The thread is called Drift Resistance =/

Sigh. You are either a troll or stupid. The thing is you do not appear to be able to understand the "context" of the OP.

My bet is stupid but feel free to tell us if you are a troll and not just dumb

Here, read the OP again.

Quote from jimaxx :Ok as you can see (maybe from my postcount) i dont read or post on the forums much...but out of pure interest im interesting in what a few handfuls of people find wrong with drifting? Ok yes its not exacly racing...but it can be measured in ways making it a motosport this not the equivelent of people saying drag racing isnt a motorsport or racing? To me this seems very weird...and im interested in why people think all these things?

So are you dumb or a troll?
Quote from Woz :Sigh. You are either a troll or stupid. The thing is you do not appear to be able to understand the "context" of the OP.

My bet is stupid but feel free to tell us if you are a troll and not just dumb

Here, read the OP again.

So are you dumb or a troll?

Real mature.

And although that was the OP's intention, it seems like the topic changed topics as the posts changed, and I was just putting in my 2 cents and speaking my opinion.
#88 - VoiD
:clapclap: :munching_
Quote from VoiD ::clapclap: :munching_

are you gonna share that popcorn?
This is grade "A" stuff people...
Quote from Cr!t!calDrift :Considering how many he beat using that technique as well.


Considering he could still have it if he didn't completely invalidates pimp's argument... Of course, I anticipated you wouldn't get it, given the "opinions" you expressed in this thread...
Quote from Cr!t!calDrift :And although that was the OP's intention, it seems like the topic changed topics as the posts changed, and I was just putting in my 2 cents and speaking my opinion.

It certainly did.
#92 - aoun
vrooooommm vrooommmmm errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr breeooghsaghasoiud$(*$^)^#)^#@!!!!!
Quote from bbman :If he is beaten, how can it be faster? Think about that...

The point is theres only one person in the whole world who managed to get a better time griping through that turn. I just watched the new WR replay and I see that even he slided a bit through that. Yours to judge if it can be seen as a drift.
And anyways I do think racing is faster anyways just not through very tight corners.
#94 - Woz
Quote from Cr!t!calDrift :And although that was the OP's intention, it seems like the topic changed topics as the posts changed, and I was just putting in my 2 cents and speaking my opinion.

Yes the topic changed, you kept changing it

I might have been a bit harsh, sorry.

I have been a bit strange since an incident that happened to me yesterday that left my brain a little scrambled. I am still trying to resolve it now.

I was down on a huge river bed near home with my wife and two dogs when we got set upon by what I would describe as pig hunting dogs. The sort of dogs you use to hunt wild boar. The owner had zero control over them.

When a couple attacked and took a chunk out the back of one of my dogs I experienced the full force of the fight/flight reaction. I have never seen dogs that savage. They say you should not wade into a dog fight, i got lucky and managed to get them away without damage and saved my dog. I am glad I didnt have to bring the large rock that somehow appeared in my hand down on any skulls, it was a close call. I managed to back then down before I was forced into that.

First time I have seen what really lies under the surface in all of us and what we are really capable of in self defence. Its left me a little on a "short fuse" since. It appears it takes a while to "get back to normal" when that part of your brain reaches the surface.
Quote from Woz :Yes the topic changed, you kept changing it

I might have been a bit harsh, sorry.

<snipped for sanity> "get back to normal" when that part of your brain reaches the surface.

That must have sucked.. Some owners just don't control their dogs. And I suppose that it can leave you in a bit of a nervous state. I don't blame you anyways. Mostly because most people replying here seem to disagree with me, so I must be saying something wrong. Some people aren't clear, or at least to me.

But anyway, for the sake of keeping it on topic, drifting is a motor sport. To drift during a race is a strategy. To strictly drift throughout an entire track is a different sport.
Critical, you are failing to recognize the difference between drifting and car rotation. In racing, when you see them slide the rear of the car around a bit, that is not drifting. You are using the throttle to steer the rear end of the car around the corner. You are still attempting to point the car in the correct direction of the track.

With drifting, you are not trying to point the car in the correct direction, rather you are trying to point the car in a perpendicular position to the direction as much as possible while still traveling in the correct direction. This is what drifting is judged on, how close to a perpendicular position you can get your car (the drift angle).
Drifting is a great "sport".It helps me control the car and also helps me with races too.I dont really race that often but drifting helps me when i do.I love to control the car and seeing alot of smoke going through the back of my helps me relax abit when im stressed
Quote from ImportFantasy :Drifting is a great "sport".I helps me control the car and also helps me with races too.I dont really race that often but drifting helps me when i do.I love control the car and seeing alot of smoke going through the back of my helps me relax abit when im stressed

Helps me relax aswell and it did help me a lot with controling the car specially RWD cars.
To summarize, drifting is to motor sports as ice dancing is to winter sports?
#100 - col
Quote from JeffR :To summarize, drifting is to motor sports as ice dancing is to winter sports?


and as race walking is to athletics
and as synchronized swimming is to aquatic sports...
and dressage to Equestrian sports

Unfortunately, no matter how accurate these analogies are, they seem to be somewhat unpopular amongst the drift fraternity... I wonder why ...
This thread is closed

"Drift Resistance" What is with this?
(130 posts, closed, started )