The online racing simulator
Warm welcome to a new member in Team XFR
(16 posts, started )
#1 - Cawwa
Warm welcome to a new member in Team XFR
A young guy from China is starting his trial period today. He impressed a lot on us during some tests with FO8 earlier today ...
He's pretty new with S2. He started his online carrier with F1C but turned to LFS 2006 and got is S2 license in the beginning of 2007.
You are going to see a lot more of him from now on. Perfect for us in MoE 24h with that time zone ...

LFSWorld name is yueyue and is going to race under the [XFR]Fredrik name ...

Warm welcome to Team XFR m8 ...

Edit: Of course it's trial, not trail ... .. changed now
Grats XFR
#3 - Foqs
Gratz Fredrik and XFR.

Good luck to both...

Congrats to you both. Any possibility for him being norwegian/chinese?
#6 - Cawwa
Quote from Chriskart :Great!

Congrats to you both. Any possibility for him being norwegian/chinese?

Nope, strictly forbidden in TEAM ORDERS ...

Thx guys for the greetings ...
Congratulation, both team and the new driver, hope to see more from him in the future
It's a great of fun to join a team,24h race is good for me and the team.

Quote :Any possibility for him being norwegian/chinese?

Maybe...being a norwegian/swedish/finnish/chines but it cann't be ture

and hello Chirskart,I'm a fan of U
it's a little differcult to keep touch with the team,our time zones are very different

this is my liveforspeed timetable:
Mondy to Friday 1:40 pm to 4 pm (GMT)
Saturday:10 am to 4 pm(GMT)
Sunday:2 am to 10 am and 1:40pm to 4pm(GMT)

of course i cannot be online all the time above
Congrats and good luck from your friends at CoRe!
gl with the team... and for you... i saw you got your 1st wr but meh.. everybody knows who beat it...
and your username is month-month? or year-year in english?
It says Chinese spelling letters came from Latin,so I guess Latin people can pronounce Chinese in a right way

chanoman315,yes u'r right,yueyue means month-mouth or moon-moon in chinese.but i think the latter one is what I mean (月月=yueyue)
Quote from yueyue :
chanoman315,yes u'r right,yueyue means month-mouth or moon-moon in chinese.but i think the latter one is what I mean (月月=yueyue)

oh interesting..... i didnt came that far to learn those simbols... is so difficult to learn chinese

Quote from BurnOut69 :歡迎我的朋友!

ah amazing! very good indeed. that means "welcome my friend"
Yeah, my simplified chinese is a bit rusty so I had to rely on my traditional chinese skillz, hope you didnt mind

Warm welcome to a new member in Team XFR
(16 posts, started )