Not that it matters, but when are you going to sign up to the site/season so that it can give you some points
Check the round results, 1 & 2, your there, but because your not in the entrants list you have no existance in that series so your entry cant be given its updated total points for the standings. Until your in the list of people in the series it will never look for your name in the results, so it will never calculate your points. You dont exist as a racer until you sign up on the site.
Hopefully a quick software update to the server, im not sure how long it will be down for, but it shouldnt be too long.
I got this from them.. 19hrs ago, iirc eastern is -5hrs so they've probably been working on the server for a couple of hours already.
ironically at one point the mercury website was hosted on a server 'named' (labelled/identified) as 'mercury' complete coincidence but it took me a moment to wonder wtf they were on about mercury all the time in an early email
I had to contact them about 10 days ago regarding a problem with the server, it was under heavy strain and at 90% load and showing some warnings, they fixed the problem and upgraded it a few days later, unfortunately it seems the config they used in terms of software hasnt gelled as it should so they're going with something else, hopefully something tried and tested.
i know i have to sign up at the site and i did bevor season started :tiltwe talked about my mail adress over pm cause i used a valid one), but i used my lfs name "BURN". Should i have signed up with the Cup-Name?
Your registered to the site, but not to the season itself. The idea is for people to be able to sign-up to take part in a series using this site, and with the information its given from users signing up and the results coming in from MPR parsing its supposed to make life easier for the organiser and just as simple for the user if all they need to do is look for upcoming seasons and submit their details for approval. If you sign up (when the site is back, i suspect now its their f**k up as they're claiming it was all successful) then i'll get it approved and redo the round results and run the round/points assignment script and you'll appear on the standings.