hey man..
nice pictures..
always pretty much same effect ...
the focused on picture, with blury background..
try something new... if alll pix are the same gets boring to look through them..
i just look through all *yawn* after the first few it wasnt so exciting anymore... got a lil exiting on the last two.....
for example.. the 1st one was good ( fox_kyoto)
but the 2nd one.. you should've motion blur it

see where im going ? different styles...
add some NIGHT effects....
some lights..
some accidents in the background...
stuff like that
make it more exiting for every picture.. not same theme
but u know.. thast just my opinoin... u can take it as an advice.. or as sarcasm

i mean in it in the best way since i spent 5 min lookin at all ur pix
aite take care