Hi, this might not be the exact right place to post this request but I don't know where else to place it and this topic has some great artists as visitors
I'm just wondering if one of those artists would like to help me updating the design of our team skins. I'm updating them for the new season in the Dutch Championship (some new sponsors).
All I would like to have some help with is the sides of the cars. An example of the existing skins can be found on our website: www.1stracing.nl.
I dont want these silly Coca-Cola-like-curves anymore, I'd like some proper "plane distribution" (dunno if that's the right term). So what I'm asking "you" is if you can come up with some ideas for plane-shapes for the side of the cars...
To give you an example of what I really like.... the ZT skins by ORION (or is it Sniiki?) are great: http://www.zt-racing.com/zockertempel/gallery/fxrmodded1.jpg
And I also love the Formula XR Team400 skins by Alzy... just wish I could make skins that professional!
Hope anyone can help me out... if so we could maybe talk on MSN?
Thanks a lot in advance!
I'm just wondering if one of those artists would like to help me updating the design of our team skins. I'm updating them for the new season in the Dutch Championship (some new sponsors).
All I would like to have some help with is the sides of the cars. An example of the existing skins can be found on our website: www.1stracing.nl.
I dont want these silly Coca-Cola-like-curves anymore, I'd like some proper "plane distribution" (dunno if that's the right term). So what I'm asking "you" is if you can come up with some ideas for plane-shapes for the side of the cars...
To give you an example of what I really like.... the ZT skins by ORION (or is it Sniiki?) are great: http://www.zt-racing.com/zockertempel/gallery/fxrmodded1.jpg
And I also love the Formula XR Team400 skins by Alzy... just wish I could make skins that professional!
Hope anyone can help me out... if so we could maybe talk on MSN?
Thanks a lot in advance!