The online racing simulator
This is serious, and something needs to be done.
Was racing a 10 lap race on AS National.

Then this guy comes into the server, looks like hes kinda new to the game, fair enough.

But then all of a sudden he changes his nick to one of the other drivers on the track, leaves the depot and enters the track, he is causing atleast two serious crashes. And he obviously did it on purpose.

Then he starts a vote to ban the guy he have taken his nick from, and he was werry near to succed, I think I managed to talk most of the people on the server to not vote because it wasen't he that did it, he was the victim.

What I find weird is that you actually can take someone elses nick, and that the people on the server didn't realise that this was deliberate and that it wasen't suspicious at all that there were two people on the server with the same nick.

What I wish is that the devs suspends his account, cause this kinda behaviour dosen't belong in LFS and definately not in the ful game. I will make shure that this guy is banned from the ATC server.

Don't know if I can write his user name here, but if you want the replay just PM me. I will gladly share it. This is the worst idiot I've ever met in a licensed server, and I have been racing for two years now.

Just ask if you want the replay. Really hope the devs want to do something about this.
You said the race was at AS national, thus I assume this wasn't a demo server. On "licensed" servers (not demo) you can check someone's real nick by pressing ctrl+shift. That shows you each persons "lfs license name". Good way of tracking someone down etc.
Yup, I did that, but I wasen't shure who it was because he changed his nick right after the race was over, and that was the only time I had the chanse to see it.

Though, I watched the replay, and I know who it was. But I don't think I'm allowed to post other peoples user names here.

That other guy (the victim), didn't have a clue on what was going on.
#4 - M.Mos
Quote from MyBoss :What I wish is that the devs suspends his account, cause this kinda behaviour dosen't belong in LFS and definately not in the ful game. I will make shure that this guy is banned from the ATC server.

I agree that this kind of behavior is not okay. But i think the Devs suspending his account is a little too much! I'm no lawer but i think they can't do it anyway because all Servers are private theres no offical server.

Are there realy people spending 24pounds just to wreck
I've had this happen to me, too. I think it should be impossible to change your name to a name in use on that server already.
You should save that replay. When you see something like this, let the devs know about it. Send them a replay. I really think that if someone has clear proof, like a replay, we should be able to post it up in here so others can verify whether they have experienced the same thing from the same guy before. It's likely this isn't the first time this guy has done this. He should be dealt with.

And by dealt with, I mean account deleted and warnings broadcast out to all other players that the devs are cracking down. An example needs to be made of this guy.

I agree with you operator0.

I saved the replay, so anyone wants it, just ask.
Send it to me: operator0 at gmail dot com. I'll send you one back of another wrecker if you want. Didn't try to ban, but you should see the replay anyway. He races alot on oval servers, but is clearly an experienced wrecker. Perhaps the devs would like to take a look too?
i wonder how many racers change their nickname regulary though? i know mine always stays the same - makes you wonder whether the nick info should be stored on LFS world, having to go there if you wanna update the nickname field.

they still could change to someone elses name but it would be just a little but more trouble to do it.

i've never seen this happen but if it's a problem for you guys that could be a solution
i havent yet either..

however; i did meet someone very very very bad on the oval last night.. and all im going to say is team Idi

(btw takumi; i love your avatar, great shot of the background!)
I've got the "not recommended" option of saving all replays turned on. If i spend an hour or two on servers it usually racks up about 10-20MB of replay files. I go in once a week to clean up the replays i don't want to keep, but considering the size of disks, i think always saving replays isn't that horrible an overhead.
Pre-alpha we all got a little (tiny bit) annoyed with the wreckers and we were happy in the thought that they'd be a thing of the past once the alpha was out. we THOUGHT nobody would be stupid enough to risk their licience by wrecking.

We HAVE to make moves NOW to remind these idiots that they are RUINING peoples races by giving them a month ban or something, it's not that i want to exclude these people from the game but it cannot do to have peeps acting like children online.

i don't wanna rant but the general respect for others out there ATM is pretty shocking

LFS is an awesome sim, but a crap arcade game, so i guess the arcade idiots out there ar looking to make up for that by childish behavior
Quote from XCNuse :i havent yet either..

however; i did meet someone very very very bad on the oval last night.. and all im going to say is team Idi

(btw takumi; i love your avatar, great shot of the background!)

Does his LFS user name begin with an "n" and end with an "r" and have an underbar in it? If it does, you and I have probably met the same guy. The guy I met was on AS Nat in a GTR race. Durring the first lap of a five lap race, he set his car up so it was blocking the line going into the first chicane. He kept it there the whole race, occasionaly backing up or moving forward so he could make contact with the other cars. He didn't make contact with me as his skills and overall stratagy making ability are seriously lacking, but he got alot of other people. This server didn't allow vote banning or kicking. After the race, an admin miraculously appeared and when we started letting him know about the wrecker, the wrecker left. Didn't matter as I had my temp replays enabled and was able to send the replay via email to the admin, who promptly banned the guy for eternity form the server. I also was able to get the guy banned form three other servers based off that one replay. I still have it and if you'ld like to see it, let me know.

I later looked up the guy in LFS World and he races ALOT. Almost exclusively on oval servers, which I don't race. If I ever see the guy again though, I'll make sure he knows I'm the one who got him banned from four servers, and I'll make sure everyone else on the server knows about his wrecking ways.
Quote from MyBoss :I agree with you operator0.

I saved the replay, so anyone wants it, just ask.

Hey Alt-Ctrl, send me the replay to banshee56 at fuse dot net (nice address hide btw Operator0) and I'll make sure he is on the blackball list at CoRe Racing as well.

LFS forever, wreckers nevar!!!!!

-CoRe Banshee56
well, since we don't have the anonymous demo anymore, maybe it should be allowed again to post replays.
i don't know if the old RSC rule applies here anyway.

As long as people don't post every replay of every driver who pushed someone in the gravel once.
Quote from banshee56 :Hey Alt-Ctrl, send me the replay to banshee56 at fuse dot net (nice address hide btw Operator0) and I'll make sure he is on the blackball list at CoRe Racing as well.

LFS forever, wreckers nevar!!!!!

-CoRe Banshee56

I'l send it to you tomorrow if thats ok. The more servers this idiot is banned from, the better. Have allready sent it to 4 or 5 peps.
You know, i just don't really understand the motivations of these wreckers

Being anti-social, I realize the fun it is to cause mass havoc, but that gets boring after a while and ain't as fun as vandalism.

Then, looking at it from a crappy driver perpsective, I can see people becoming frustrated and just going off once or twice, but not all the time.

And you also got the attention getters, those pathetic types will do ANYTHING for attention and eventually will probably sink to prostitution
or some other degrading form of self exploitation like participating in a reality

But this guy that's posted about in this thread doesn't fall into those
categories. No. this individual is a new kind of defective miscreant.
He is a serial wrecker.

Who knows maybe he had an alcoholic race driver for a father and during race nights, his mother took out all her frustrations on him for his father's abuses..
Maybe he is compelled to cause wrecks as a way to alleviate his suffering.
By causing these wrecks, he eases the pain from the unhealed wounds of his
childhood. In his mind, he may think that doing this somehow will punish
his parents for the torment they caused him.
He may be desperatly seeking............................................

Nah, he's just a loser.... Ban his ass
Sounds like you've been watching a little too much tv Racer Y. Though, I guess one needs to present such an extravagant example to emphasise how pathethic the wreckers truly are ...

For a 'harsh but fair' solution, see my post 'A novel solution for discouraging wreckers'.
My only concern with this theory is it's possible abuse. Example? Team JRR race against team SMB. Team SMB loose, all because of one guy in JRR who was good at blocking cleanly. Team SMB say, "Shit, man.. Let's get this guy banned so we can win!". They all wait until he slips up and causes one, maybe two accidents in a season. They all send the replays in, and poor MrLooLixzor gets banned for an accident.

Over the top example? Yes. But I know people who would do it. Then there's the people who are new to a track/car/setup combination. So you say, "Practice offline!!!111oneone". Fair enough. That's what I did... I can't launch very well in the FO8, so I practiced offline. I had it down to a charm... Went online with new courage.. Only to find the reason I was launching so well ofline, was because I was doing it too slow. I got wiped out 4 times in a row, and forced 2 restarts because of it. Would that warrant a ban? I don't think so. Would somone try to ban me because of it? Oddly enough, I was banned from the server.

You have to be carefull in this, you're playing with somone's purchased license, that they may have scraped and saved to get.


Persistent, purposeful wreckers? They should have their eyes cut out with lolli-pop sticks.
Simple solution. Disabe the Display Name altogeather, and force people to use their registered account name. Will end the problem right away. Maybe as a small field to append a prefix and or suffix to the registerd name as an option for team and other afiliations.
Now that, I agree with. This one dude has one account, and *says* he shares it with other people. He simply changes the 'shown' name. Of course, it must just be coincidence that he has been seen wrecking under several names (Same account). It's a pain in the royal backside, and there's nothing you can really do to prove either way. Curiously, not sure if sharing your account with other people is allowed or not.
Blacklist Database
How about making a racer blacklist database queried by LFS S2 registered server each time a racer join it ? This could be an optional feature that could be enable when u launch dedicated/ingame server ... maybe its help to clean up server for unfair and other bad guys that only want to disturbe races ?
yeah, take down a 'blacklist' of all those with SEVERAL counts of wrecking against them, if you run a server that has become a common target for wreckers then simply download the list and hey presto, reduced wrecking!

it's not gonna stop them being children, but it might the search for a sutable server a miserable fruitless one.

it seems that right now very little is being done to stop these idiots from playing their little games, WE MUST ACT NOW to stop this trend in it's tracks, it's just a bunch of kiddies that have no sense of honour,

there's another thread out there with this great idea:- impacts per mile on LFSworld an instant wrecker yardstick!

if you got more than a certain impact/mile ratio then you don't get on the server, i think thats fair enough!
Whilst I agree with wreckers being banned please beware of people being banned unfairly.

For example I was banned from the [cyb] server, despite having one of the best LFS days yet. I set a PB, raced several close races then BAM! I was banned for a single mistake. Very unfair.

Replay attached for reference.
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sideways.mpr - 517.5 KB - 251 views
Quote from Takumi_Project.d :i wonder how many racers change their nickname regulary though? i know mine always stays the same - makes you wonder whether the nick info should be stored on LFS world, having to go there if you wanna update the nickname field.

I expect most people only ever use their realname and one nick, so maybe if you enter both on LFSW a league server could be set to use real names rather than nicks?