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Marine game query
(29 posts, started )
Marine game query
Hey all. I'm sorry if this doesn't belong here. Mods, feel free to lock/delete it.

This problem's been gnawing at me ever since one of my friends told me she was joining the USMC. She's 16, a total nerd and gamer. I was wondering if there was any way I could change her mind, as I don't want her joining up and getting hurt, or worse.

#2 - JTbo
Sometimes there is nothing you can do and sometimes you really should not do.

It is person herself making her own decisions, you can only give food for though and that is about it.

If she really does like to be bullied, humiliated and be one of faceless mass, then I'm sure she is making right decision to go, but if not then she has not thought things very trough.

If her physics are not enough they will send her home, so that is not perhaps biggest concern.
I thought this thread was about cute dolphins

Find a marine from somewhere and get him/her to talk to your friend. Perhaps they'll see the light. On the other hand, neither nerd nor gamer necessarily equal poor fitness. Even people who are not fit, but aren't a complete and absolute mess can manage basic training. By then it should be obvious whether they can make it as a marine or not. I say this because I'd imagine a non-conscript service such as the USMC will have standards. If she's lacking, they won't let her progress after the basic training is complete. At least I hope so.

Maybe another option would be to find a way for her to step up her physical training in advance?
#4 - keriz
Talking to you over MSN about it...
So why post that on the forums then? Not being -ve, just curious :\
Remember to buy a vest & helmet so you survive a couple of headshots with only sparks flying.
16-year-old probably has no clue what military service is even all about. Is she (?) even serious or just played too much Counter-Strike?

USMC... is your friend even American?!
Just sharing a pair of random thoughts.

I don't know if you've seen "boom headshot", or whatever the name of the video is. Either this guy is a total gamer freak or an actor with a future in the business. There's something interesting in what he says, though.

"Army's just like fps but with better graphics
but if it lags there I'm dead"

In the middle of madness, a hint of sanity.

And all things considered, the true nature of your work is killing and/or dying for your country. That's the main reason for the existence of the military. Is it difficult? I don't know. I didn't kill anyone in my life, and of course I didn't die.

My grandfather had a little more experience, since he fought in two wars. He was one of the few Italians who could say he wasn't a loser in each of them, the first world war and the civil war against fascism. The second world war was fought by grandpa being a declared political opposer and organising the Resistance.

I remember my father saying that if the Nazis discovered what my grandfather did they would have burned his house with him and all his relatives locked inside. Nice times, you know. (Every war has his horrendous crimes, you know. And if you take a close look you'll see that the winning side has its good share of crimes.)

And I recall that I asked him once "What did you do during the war?"
"I shot."
"And did you ever kill anyone?"
"No, killing a man is like melting the snow on the mountains."
Melting the snow on the mountains. A friulian motto, it means doing a stupid, useless and enormous task.

I was a child at the time. I didn't know my grandfather lied to protect me. In an outburst of rage my father talked about those times, clearly stating that my grandfather put to death a lot of traitors. I have no doubt they deserved it. He was a shy man, he didn't like having any kind of power, and he put dignity and individual freedom above all. He was tremendously respected as a wise and brave person, although he didn't like the attention.

My grandfather, for sure, didn't like killing but he had to do it, and didn't like the idea of dying but accepted the possibility, even for his whole family. Tough choices, you know.
Nevertheless, he chose to lie to his grandchildren. I understand why he did it. That's why I respect his decision.

What I mean to say is just, don't underestimate the task. It has enormous personal costs if you respect and value life. If you don't, it's much easier.

Take for instance the Iraqi insurgents: they're not afraid to die. They crave their death. They're happy to die in the name of Allah. They crave heaven. Life must really be hell, for them. No wonder they die in scores. Oh, and they never stop dying, there's always plenty of'em. If they don't kill but just die, they're happy all the same. Dying, for them, is more important than killing.

(I hope you get the idea: even if they lose, they've won. You can't win a war against this kind of "soldiers". There's no higher reward than their own death, for them.)

What I mean in all this confusion (and I could go on for ages) is that you have to try to tell her that in real life it's not easy being a soldier. It's not like boom headshot. And if it is, there's something scary.

Try to see if she understands that it's a question of being prepared to kill, die or both. For what, and at what costs? Her choice. The best thing? Be extremely informed. You may survive, but you never know what hidden price you could pay in the future. Such as being dishonest with your grandchildren to protect them. For an honest person, it may be a big price to pay.

Edit: apologies for the endless post.
Quote from Albieg :I don't know if you've seen "boom headshot", or whatever the name of the video is. Either this guy is a total gamer freak or an actor with a future in the business. There's something interesting in what he says, though.

He is acting, it is obviously a sketch.

Nice story.
Quote from deggis :16-year-old probably has no clue what military service is even all about. Is she (?) even serious or just played too much Counter-Strike?

USMC... is your friend even American?!

SHE is 16, and American, from Vancouver, WA (!)

@Albieq: She's a heavy roleplayer and has roleplayed killing people before. I'm trying to explain to her that war is not a game and she WILL be affected. She keeps going on about 'it won't affect me'. It will. I know active, serving Marines, who said that went out there and were affected.

@TAYLOR-MANIA: She hasn't. I have a nasty feeling she was pushed into joining up.


EDIT: It's creeping into my dreams.

EDIT #2: Sitting here listening to 'Born in the USA', I'm tempted to suggest to her to go and speak to veterans to see what war is really like. She's said to me that to her and her friends, war is portrayed as a game. It's not a game!
Quote from DieKolkrabe :SHE is 16, and American, from Vancouver, WA (!)

Well she can't even join the army before age of 17.

Do you actually know her in person or just through internet, messenger etc?
I know her in person. She was going on about how her recruiting seargent (sp?) was going to call her

Suggest she watches a few films instead of playing games....
Films like:
Jarhead, Catch 22, Apocalypse Now, Full Metal Jacket...get the picture?

Then maybe she will sort of understand what she is letting herself in for.
If THAT fails, send her some newspaper clippings showing that her main concern "out there" may not necessarily be 'the enemy'...and that there are as many killed by friendly fire and accidents are there are direct combat kills!
You can then show her reports of just how well they will look after her if/when she gets back home and gets de-mobbed.. they will prolly forget she even exists!
One of my Marine friends e-mailed me something entitled 'What happens when you join the Marines', It went like this.

Quote :
Join up, think it'll be your dream job
Lose your identity in boot camp
Be a slave to the system
Get out there
Realise that half the equipment's in a C130 that hasn't taken off yet
Get put on guard duty for hours, no food, no water, just a rifle and the desert sun
Contract an illness, be accused by the medics of faking it
Get a medical discharge, get flown home, hand in sidearm, hand back uniform
Get a paltry veterans pension
Look for a job, nobody wants to hire you or know you
Get rejected for fighting a war
Die alone


Let people make their own mistakes, best bit of advice I was ever given I think.
I think marines in the US are somewhat different to what we call marines. In the UK there's still no recruitment of women in the marines and selection is exceptionally tough, having said that those that do become marines seem to love it and tend to stay in the military much longer than the minimum requirements and very good job prospects after leaving.
#17 - JTbo
I did saw some documentary about US army, it was quite long time ago, but thing was that those who go to army are usually without job and quite often without education. Maybe that is why it is hard to get job after going army as people might think one is not capable of any job?

Anyway document did give impression that system is quite mess in there.
Can we get back on topic?

But before we do. A question about the .50 cal military sniper rifle. Can it take out a car in one shot?

no, it can take out a driver in a car with one shot (and possibilly the engine block), from over a mile away (m107)

So theoretically, if you fired it at the right angle, it'd go transatlantic?

Ok, Back on topic

You've somehow gotta get it into her head that these games are still about as realistic as pacman when it comes to portraying the true realities and horrors of war. If she thinks war is a game, then I think you should do everything within your power to help persuade her otherwise.
I'm trying, I can't talk to her for six days I'm tempted to fly out there and stay with her for a bit and talk to her face to face.


Marine game query
(29 posts, started )