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Help: Lap times/slow driving :|
(4 posts, started )
Help: Lap times/slow driving :|
Well to shorten this im just going to give 1 or 2 examples of my problems

First would be the FOX bl1gp problem, Out of all the setups and downforce settings ive tried the only one i can realy keep under control is a 10/20 which as you can tell is slowww i believe this is to do with the amount of throttle control and turning accuracy i can actully get using a keyboard, i believe my lines pritty fine its just EVERY lap i do (usualy on the redline1 server and exluding crashes) i will be about 0.30 behind my pb splits which result in laps at about 1.12-1.14 every lap

My second problem would be the ass dragging/understeer i tend to get out of the Xfg when i pull into a turn i will usualy have to take it slower than everyone else due to underturn :| if i dont i will ass drag and slide off the track, i dont have this problem with the fox (probably the rwd as i started as a drifter + rwd dosnt ass drag >.<)
And this results in about 1.30-1.40 everylap bl1gp, I realy dont know if theres anyway i can improve until i get a dfp?

Cheers, Jim. \../0.0\../
The best would obviously be two replays showing your fastest laps, otherwise it's hard to tell what's going wrong.

Can't say anything on the FOX problem, but the XFG one is probably that you brake too much, too long. Try to start braking a bit earlier than your usual I'm-pushing-hard brakepoint, but also come off the brakes earlier, so you can minimize trail braking. You're allowed to be on the brakes a tiny little bit after turning into the corner, but if you're approaching the apex and are still on the brakes then you're doing something wrong. I often have this problem with both FWD and RWD cars, only to consciously notice that I'm still braking a little bit, then releasing the brakes and oh wonder, the car suddenly turns in.

However, if you're using a WR setup with a locked diff, then you don't only have to release the brakes earlier, you also have to give a little bit of throttle before and during the apex! They're fast setups but they're also kinda weird and need odd driving inputs to actually work.
Ok cheers, heres a replay of 2 laps in a fox not best or worst quite a few mistakes Thanks for your help allready. This is on defualt set...the set im actully most comftable with :|

Attached files
Replay..mpr - 316.4 KB - 145 views
Ok, heres another replay i make a pb and average at 1.13 laps untill i eventully flip putting to much in on the last lap.

Attached files
Replay 2.mpr - 679.3 KB - 148 views

Help: Lap times/slow driving :|
(4 posts, started )