Quote from Gil07 :Today I yet again got one of my mates to try LFS. They did, and as usual too, were put off buying the game by demo wreckers.

This is really bad publicity for LFS, I think something needs to be done... But what can we do about it?

If you know which servers to go onto, then you'll almost never come across bands of wreckers crashing into you. If you like XFG (or XRG)/BL1, then go to Zion Race Server or Team Xcite Server. There's almost wlays a team member there who can obviously just ban a crasher with a press of a button. If you're not quite so quick - then go for the Xcite one. As I said in another thread - always go on a server with vote enabled - you have a better chance of a good race. Another tip - if you find a person with a really stupid name - then they're (probably) a crasher.
Solution: 60 minutes Demo Trial
I totally agree with the OP, it does give LFS a bit of a bad name...but then again, they do give us a notice about demo servers before we can see the list of online games. Maybe they just need to re-vamp that a little bit

Riders Motion...your avatar is OFFENSIVE!!! Why are you against me and my culture *tear*
~Bryan~ (If BBT saw that he would shit bricks)
Quote from Riders Motion :Solution: 60 minutes Demo Trial

No way. No-one would buy it then because you would get hundereds of people just crashing for their hour (because it's fun) and no way of punishing them.
the racing on demo servers is not as bad as it is always said to be.

the wreckers are getting worse and worse, they even appear only rarely nowadays.

if you raced on ctra 1 before it´s not really a difference at all.
Quote from Riders Motion :Solution: 60 minutes Demo Trial

Probably open to abuse and would have very few racers at any one time. I'd suggest removing the reverse config from the demo (it's a far nicer track) and removing the XRT because it's not as satisfying as the XRG to drive and being a bit harder to drive produce loads of people crashing them all the time reducing the quality of the demo servers.

I'd also remove all skins and possibly lock to one or two colours to remove personalisation and make the demo more boring in the long run.
Quote from Origamiboy :When I got LFS I bought S2 straight away without trying the demo online first. Boy am I glad I didn't!

It was like a destruction derby. People wrecking for the hell of it, starting ban votes on the leaders for no apparent reason, constant swearing and abuse. It seemed only a couple of the faster racers knew how to pass cleanly and the rest of the field would try to put you on the grass in order to get past.

In short, if this was my first impression of LFS, I wouldn't have bothered. I understand there is a disclaimer about demo servers before you join, but still.

There must be a lot of potential S2 purchasers out there not taking the plunge due to behaviour in the demo, and this is money the devs could do with.

The solution, not sure. But I do think that the demo is almost too fully featured.. It seems that many racers are happy to just use the demo features (and wreck) without feeling the need to buy S2. Just my 2 pence worth. What do you (more experienced ) guys think?

well there is actually two demo servers i reckon is pretty good..
proracing room and pink server...
proracing room has an admin in the server most of the time while pink server often have lots of fast and clean racers..
i only played in these two servers when i was on demo
(MonkOnHotTinRoof) DELETED by MonkOnHotTinRoof
i think demoers should get the XRT, RB4, and UF1, so there is RWD, 4WD and FWD
Quote from harjun :i think demoers should get the XRT, RB4, and UF1, so there is RWD, 4WD and FWD

I kind of agree, but I think it should be the XRG, RB4 and XFG.
I tried the demo server only when LFS S1 went out! It was ok at this time, nothing like what seems to happen now!

When I came back to LFS several years later, I bought it straight! I didn't even try the servers but it seems to give a very bad impression over the online community
I think there needs to be more limited content on demo servers. maybe replace XRT with RB4. you can still drift with that.
Drift servers were pretty good apart from few not so good where people would vote you out just because the could.
To be honest I was shocked by the fact that there aren't many good drift servers among S2 servers. Most of them aren't populated enought. I mean 2/40 isn't good is it?

I would like to see more decent and populated drift servers in S2.
In my experience, demo servers are either horrid or okay. Sometimes, I can't get past T1 without someone slamming into my rear end and making me have to try to control the car to avoid having my race ruined. Other times, I can have a clean race.

My first few experiences with demo racers were terrible. I once got rammed off the track on BL's long straight. Another time, I was completing a lap but the race leader came in the wrong way and slammed into me (I had started the race late and it had already ended, so it was a post-race wreck). o___O I've also had someone ram into my car in T3 after the long straight more than once.

I don't get the point in wrecking. If I want some mindless fun in between races, I'll go join a crash server. But when I'm racing, I'm being serious and I want everyone to be serious too, or the fun gets spoilt. =/

Leave wrecking for arcade games like NFS. LFS is for those who are serious about racing.
Quote from Californian :Drift servers were pretty good apart from few not so good where people would vote you out just because the could.
To be honest I was shocked by the fact that there aren't many good drift servers among S2 servers. Most of them aren't populated enought. I mean 2/40 isn't good is it?

I would like to see more decent and populated drift servers in S2.

Why should there be more drifting servers? Its a RACE simulator! And, there are around 2 or 3 fairly well populated drift servers - Team Orange Public Drift, Silly Project server, and Saiko^D server.

TBH, there should be more populated race servers. There are too many cruise servers full at any one time when your looking for a server to race on. CTRA Race 1 is always populated too, but its nearly impossible to finish a race there cos of all the noobs
Quote from niall09 :Why should there be more drifting servers? Its a RACE simulator! And, there are around 2 or 3 fairly well populated drift servers - Team Orange Public Drift, Silly Project server, and Saiko^D server.

TBH, there should be more populated race servers. There are too many cruise servers full at any one time when your looking for a server to race on. CTRA Race 1 is always populated too, but its nearly impossible to finish a race there cos of all the noobs

Well I think that LFS is for all kind of driving, Race, Drift, Rally, stunt etc. You can't say it's just RACE simulator because it has excellent physics for all kind of driving

Maybe we need more population on all kind of servers.
I personally like to do all Race, Drift and Rally and would like to have nicelly populated servers for all of them.

BTW: Can't see Saiko^D or Orange server at the moment.
#41 - JTbo
Drift, Cruise and City driving servers seem only those that are being populated, that is why there is LX event every Wed

I challenge server admins to arrange race once a week so there would be scheduled race or for every day of week
Quote from TAYLOR-MANIA :

Nah, wrecking in NFS sucks. For a crashing game, FlatOut 2 is the best.

Edit: heh, it seems niall09 feels the same!

haha yeh i reckon Burnout is pretty good as well...for crashing of course....
If I ever go onthe demo servers (wich I occasionally do: "to pwn up n00bs 'cause I suck") i go on the silly project servers. then have a decient insim that auto spectates, on certain collisions (how and wich? I don't know),the two drivers.
Haven't been online for a few months now, but I always liked to drop in to the demo servers every now and again. The lawlessness and unpredictability was a bit of a tonic, and evading crashers became a game within the game.

The LFS demo seems just right to me, and the seperate nature of the demo servers and the S2 servers makes stepping up to S2 a kind of "coming of age" ritual.

As for the demo being too complete, I think its only fair of the developers to offer as much, since they are selling an 'incomplete' product anyway.
LFS is just boring, it sucks... there are so many better racing sims out there. S2 was a major waste of money since there are more demo racers on at any given time. That's my opinion. Anyone who disagrees is a so-called "lfs fanboy" if you ask me.
Quote from Origamiboy :When I got LFS I bought S2 straight away without trying the demo online first. Boy am I glad I didn't!

It was like a destruction derby. People wrecking for the hell of it, starting ban votes on the leaders for no apparent reason, constant swearing and abuse. It seemed only a couple of the faster racers knew how to pass cleanly and the rest of the field would try to put you on the grass in order to get past.

In short, if this was my first impression of LFS, I wouldn't have bothered. I understand there is a disclaimer about demo servers before you join, but still.

There must be a lot of potential S2 purchasers out there not taking the plunge due to behaviour in the demo, and this is money the devs could do with.

The solution, not sure. But I do think that the demo is almost too fully featured.. It seems that many racers are happy to just use the demo features (and wreck) without feeling the need to buy S2. Just my 2 pence worth. What do you (more experienced ) guys think?

You could not be more right..

I played demo for about year and a half, Fusion racing servers seemed to be the only servers with real racers in them..

But i always had to watch out for a guy called weedman.. as he's daily thing was to go into the fusion servers and crash people on the first corner and hide behind the barriers on the first S bend on BL

He was a nightmare to deal with lol
Quote from Gil07 :
This is really bad publicity for LFS, I think something needs to be done... But what can we do about it?

Crashers is one problem... lack of racing is another. From my visits to LFSWorld, it seems lack of (open pickup non league) racing is a problem for the demo and S2.
Quote from legoflamb :If I ever go onthe demo servers (wich I occasionally do: "to pwn up n00bs 'cause I suck") i go on the silly project servers. then have a decient insim that auto spectates, on certain collisions (how and wich? I don't know),the two drivers.

It's a good idea in theory, but it's really annoying when I get kicked out of a race even if I'm the one who got wrecked.

As for Burnout, yes, that is indeed a great game for wrecking.
Quote from nihil :As for the demo being too complete, I think its only fair of the developers to offer as much, since they are selling an 'incomplete' product anyway.

how is it "fair" that they give away something for free which they spend all of their time developing? i don't think the devs owe us anything, especially not to the people who play the demo and aren't charged anything for it.
Quote from niall09 :CTRA Race 1 is always populated too, but its nearly impossible to finish a race there cos of all the noobs

You name it. I really "love" being wrecked or "pushed away" from the points in the last lap... and if the wrecker was a late joiner it's even better. :banghead:

Actually since I've been driving on CTRA, my laptimes didn't get better at all, but still I manage to gain 10 positions because I've learned to avoid crashes. Sadly only the ones in front of me.

I think more seperation would be a nice thing. I mean you can gain a bronze-status but it doesn't have any value... and silver is like a thousand points away.

Quote from SKaREO :LFS is just boring, it sucks... there are so many better racing sims out there. S2 was a major waste of money since there are more demo racers on at any given time. That's my opinion. Anyone who disagrees is a so-called "lfs fanboy" if you ask me.

The game itself doesn't suck in my opinion and I like the S2 content, but the bad thing is: the core of the game is already in the demo. I mean: I wouldn't want only BL (I HATE this track) - but valuewise the demo is like 90% of the game, which are given away for free, and the 10% whipped cream on top of it costs you 24£. This makes me feel a bit gulled.

Quote from TAYLOR-MANIA :but the cruising is [sadly] stealing most of the RACING traffic.

no no... think about that. the cruisers are on cruise-servers because there they can cruise. I think only the fewest cruisers would switch to racing if there were no cruise-servers anymore.