The online racing simulator
Well I've been taking Pictures of friends using my D40 and new lense and this one Pictures I absolutely love is giving me problems and I'm not sure if I can fix it up, but I've been using ADOBE PHOTO SHOP CS2 and I'm not that skilled to do what I need done. The person doesn't want her face posted on the net so I cant post the whole picture. My problem's are, the little strands of hair on the fore head and I've got the slightest clue on how this can be done, but I'd like them removed. I'll post a picture of the area that is bugging me and I cant find out how to fix the area. If you can help me out I'd appreciate it alot...

P.S. LMK if I can fix it or even HOW to fix it.

Thanks -Mike
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The Hairs...jpg
I'd use the clone tool to clone areas area the hair and copy it over the hair. Making it look natural is the hard part.
If you do it very meticulously it should cause no problem.

Just use the clone stamp tool, at let's say 12 pixels radius. Alt-left click on the area you want to sample and click on the area you want to replace. You'll have to do it hundreds of times to get a perfect result but it is very doable. Each time sample right next to the area you want to erase to keep the right skin texture and lighting.

Good luck!
#4 - JJ72
copy a portion of the clear skin, make a new layer at an template. Then as mentioned apply your clone tool to get the basic tone right. Then use the template of the skin to fix up the artifacts, by applying the texture on the blurred area very lightly and randamly.
I'll give it a try and see what happens, I'm going to use all the help i can get and maybe mix it up a bit. Thanks... If there's anything else that can help me out LMK
Quote from Paranoid Android :If you do it very meticulously it should cause no problem.

Just use the clone stamp tool, at let's say 12 pixels radius. Alt-left click on the area you want to sample and click on the area you want to replace. You'll have to do it hundreds of times to get a perfect result but it is very doable. Each time sample right next to the area you want to erase to keep the right skin texture and lighting.

Good luck!

+1. That's the best way to do it, will take you a while if you want to keep it natural, though.
I've tried for about 2-3 hours using the help provided and I just cant get it to work out I'm sure with more pratice I'll get it done. I'm still looking for an easier approach, I should retake the picture and this time make sure no hair is in the way...
You mean like this

I used a 'spot healing brush' at 75 diameter and 78% hardness...

took 5 minutes
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quite easy with the healing brush- 11 pix %100 hardness so it doesn't blur your edges. The lighting will stay correct wherever you paint, so just pick out the details you want to replicate. I took samples from below where I needed to edit, because the details were lining up mostly vertically. 3 min job.

PS- if you want to make a darker part lighter- then use the clone tool, and sample from a lighter part of the image. Then use the healing tool again to 'heal' the edges of your cloned sample. Alternatively you can use the dodge tool, with very low exposure (say 7%) and a very soft brush. Something needs to be done with the top right part of the scalp where the hair begins to make it look a bit more natural.

edit: whoops- Bladerunner got in there before me
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The Hairs222.jpg