Will Biggie fold under pressure? Will he retaliate? When does the test patch section open? Does oval racing increase man-boob growth? Ahhhh the tension is killing me!
LOL. Been thinking about why people drive the oval.....Could be because they can do it with one hand on the wheel, leaving the other free for munchies, obviously attributing the the growth of ones proud home grown man boobs.
Well done Bawbag/R. Mooney, I am very impressed..........and....I hate you
I believe that Bawbag won't be playing too long either, I mean if you are so fast that you have to practise a lot and still finding competitive race buddys comes difficult it is rather easy to get tired of it, don't you think?
But also I believe that it is great entertainment for a while
We, the slow people, just stick like tar and do our slow laps every now and then, finding always new corners on tracks
whats also easy to get tired of is not ebing able to connect to any servers due to a 64bit OS issue...not that i'm a notable figure in the LFS community or am being missed online but still frustrated about not being able to get online
Im not that fan of these wr guys... I Mean if some1 beats their wr, in 2 hours or so they take it back.it is just annoying to me:"Bah WTF u cant beat me su**er"