Hello there!
something strange I ve created a !carview insim cmd that use the ISP_SCC simple pak:
when i use it with LFS State Inspector running on lfs server i can see that the cmd works and the In game cam change to the correct value but the car view doesn't change on the client side?
my debug log indicate the cmd and bytes sent to insim, here with the current playerID 3 / connection 1:
does i need to make something to reflect the change on client side?
something strange I ve created a !carview insim cmd that use the ISP_SCC simple pak:
static public byte[] SCC(int PLID, int ingamecam)
byte[] packet = new byte[8];
packet[0] = 8;
packet[1] = (byte)TypePack.ISP_SCC;
packet[2] = 0;
packet[3] = 0;
packet[4] = (byte)PLID;
packet[5] = (byte)ingamecam;
packet[6] = 0;
packet[7] = 0;
return packet;
when i use it with LFS State Inspector running on lfs server i can see that the cmd works and the In game cam change to the correct value but the car view doesn't change on the client side?
my debug log indicate the cmd and bytes sent to insim, here with the current playerID 3 / connection 1:
UCID: 1 Cmd: /carview TV
PLID: 3 Cmd: /carview tv ingamecam: 2 scc: 08 08 00 00 03 02 00 00
UCID: 1 Cmd: /carview heli
PLID: 3 Cmd: /carview heli ingamecam: 1 scc: 08 08 00 00 03 01 00 00
does i need to make something to reflect the change on client side?