Do you swear alot while driving?
(95 posts, started )
Quote from mrodgers :I almost rolled my truck last year (small truck, 1988 4Runner, not a 'my penis is too small' Ford F350 ). I popped over the crest of a small hill and there was a tractor crawling along. Traffic coming the other way, I locked the wheels up and went up the bank on the side of the road.

That isn't a small truck. And pretty much everybody - myself included - who ever drove my '87 4Runner managed to crash it, so don't feel bad. I think it must be really difficult not to crash them.
Good list, Mike.

If I might add:

* People who, when one lane of a two lane road is backed way up and they want to get into it, go all the way to the front of the line and then force their way in and/or stop there until someone lets them in.

* People who, when traffic is not moving to their liking, drive on the median/shoulder as if it were a lane.

* People who run a red light when they're right behind someone who just barely made it (or possibly didn't make it), thinking that that makes it ok.
Since I live near Los Angeles, I'm always concerned about the drivers that are distracted, usually it's cell phones, but the ones trying to drive while reloading are really a hazard.
In this topic the driving means in real-life or in LFS or other racing games? Well I don't swear unless people ganged me up on some parts of Blackwood and squashes me with their smelly XFGs... What F***ing BAS***D they are. SOme of them are couple of crapped SON OF BI***ES I've ever seen
Quote from JeffR :Since I live near Los Angeles...

...but the ones trying to drive while reloading are really a hazard.


I hope I swear tons once I start driving, help me calm down after all these arseholes screwing me about, telling me "Don't crash into that person, he's in the other lane", and "What! Yellow does not mean try and beat the red light", and my favourite "Just because you have a bigger penis, does not mean you get to drag race into the Starbucks drive-thru line."


Oh, and public service announcement, my userbars now link to Epic Boobs. Hope it does you good.
I probally swear a lot when racing. When someone crash me I feels better after I flames them a little and swears a lot for myself.

But the times I swear most is when I`m on a PB, then telling about my xx.xx split, and every "nice" and then I crash in the last corner just to make a laught of myself -.-
The remaining bits of my racing skills go down the drain if I let myself get angry.

So extra dose of downers for before race. Dosage is critical so I don't pass asleep on the starting grid.
Quote from myx :Do you swear alot while driving? Do you easiliy get pissed off at other drivers?

Not a lot in LFS, but I have been known to mutter the occasional naughty word while driving IRL.
Sometimes get funny looks from teh passengers sitting in the front seats ... had a little old lady one day who looked at me in a bad way after some idjit had cut me up...I said "F***ing wanker!" (under my breath, of course).....she said after.."He was a bit of a twat, wasn't he?"

As for getting pi$$ed at other drivers..FREQUENTLY!! Usually its the bloody idiots who dont know where they are going, and cant read the bloody big signs on the motorway..or the wankers that dont realise that the centre lane is NOT their personal private lane, and its not perfectly OK to crawl along at 45 mph in it if they want to
I don't have time to swear.
Quote from mrodgers :
- This is big in my rural area. Folks all by themselves with obviously aggravating to them small penis's because they drive Ford F350's for their work commute, then sit on the bumper of my little Nissan Altima at 75 mph in a 55 mph zone.

Brake suddenly (don't lock brakes so there's no trail)
Claim insurance

Tbh, I swear rarely but in RL I get pissed off by almost any silly move by a motorist other than myself.
I'm fairly calm in RL and in LFS most times doesn't mean some things don't get under my skin but I just tend to shrug them off quickly

The one thing that does irritate me, since you talk about rural drivers Mike is those that are on a wide open road and I am criusing along chillin out at a little over the speed limit and then some impaitent git sits on my bumper when he could just as easily sit back a hundred meters or so and enjoy the trip or he could hang back until a suitable safe time to overtake and zoom by. But no he wants to sit on my bumper

Some guy did that a few weeks ago, so I just lifted off the throttle slowed down 20km/h then sped up again. Had to do that three times before the guy got it lol Why some people feel they need to be 10m off your bumper on a wide open stretch of road is beyond me
I drive on 60mph-max country roads to uni every day and there's always someone in front who does 45mph in the 60 zones when you can safely do 60 down the straights and 40-60 in the corners. Shame they can't hear me saying "Move, you cock!"...
Quote from TiJay :I drive on 60mph-max country roads to uni every day and there's always someone in front who does 45mph in the 60 zones when you can safely do 60 down the straights and 40-60 in the corners. Shame they can't hear me saying "Move, you cock!"...

The limit is exactly that, a limit...not a target.
Quote from DieKolkrabe :Oh great. Now I have images of hippies playing LFS :P


Hippies, where....I fkn hate hippes
(a la Mr Eric Cartman :tilt

I tend to swear to myself when the occassion presents itself. Usually due to my own incompetance, but sometimes that of others
i hate people who don't know how to merge with traffic when getting onto the highway. the on-ramp is there for a reason, by the time you are pulling into my lane you better be doing the speed limit or else i'm not going to be to happy about it. i can't stand when people merge right in front of me doing 35 in a 55.

another problem i have is that the driveway for my apartment complex is near a stop light. when i pull out of the driveway and head towards the light, for some reason people don't realize that i am coming and turn right in front of me. it makes absolutely no sense to me as i am on the same road as them for at least 50 feet, plenty of time to see me coming. yet daily people make the same mistake, luckily i know they are going to do it so i get as close as possible without hitting them then i blast them with my horn. i love the look of shock on their face when they realize that they are morons.
Quote from Bean0 :The limit is exactly that, a limit...not a target.

Actually, though technically correct, you would fail your driving test for being slower than the limit in a lot of cases.

The reason being that if you are pootling along at 45mph whilst everyone else is happily driving at a legal 60mph, you are creating an unnecessary hazard on the road.

Basically, if you are not capable of driving at the speed a road safely allows, then perhaps you shouldn't be on that road in the first place.

(On a personal note, I have to say that limits should always be treated as advisory... )
Quote from nihil :Actually, though technically correct, you would fail your driving test for being slower than the limit in a lot of cases.

The reason being that if you are pootling along at 45mph whilst everyone else is happily driving at a legal 60mph, you are creating an unnecessary hazard on the road.

Basically, if you are not capable of driving at the speed a road safely allows, then perhaps you shouldn't be on that road in the first place.

(On a personal note, I have to say that limits should always be treated as advisory... )

That would depend on the conditions I would have thought, there's no way you are going to fail for taking care in bad weather for example, as long as you are 'making progress'.

Driving at 45 on a clear dual carriageway is different of course.

Are you saying that most HGVs shouldn't be allowed on any road with a limit of 60mph, as they are speed limited and shouldn't be able to reach it.
Quote from Bean0 :That would depend on the conditions I would have thought, there's no way you are going to fail for taking care in bad weather for example, as long as you are 'making progress'.

No, of course you're right in that instance

Quote :Are you saying that most HGVs shouldn't be allowed on any road with a limit of 60mph, as they are speed limited and shouldn't be able to reach it.

HGV limiters are a bit of a menace, to be honest. Automatically limiting the speed means that the driver is going to be paying less attention: s/he'll drive up to the top end and rest on the limiter, rather than driving at whatever speed is appropriate...
Quote from Bean0 :That would depend on the conditions I would have thought, there's no way you are going to fail for taking care in bad weather for example, as long as you are 'making progress'.

reminds me of another thing that annoys me. when it starts raining and people decide its ok to take up two lanes to drive. if you can't drive in the rain, you need to get off the road.
Quote from nihil :HGV limiters are a bit of a menace, to be honest. Automatically limiting the speed means that the driver is going to be paying less attention: s/he'll drive up to the top end and rest on the limiter, rather than driving at whatever speed is appropriate...

Worst thing ever is when one with a 'faster limiter' decides he can save precious journey time (a good minute, tops) by overtaking one with a 'slower limiter'. Bring in limiters for cars and chaos will ensue.
I swear wayyyy too much whilst driving lol
Never had a problem with swearing or road rage in general while driving, even when on my motorcycle. Of course you could also look at it another way: because I'm on my bike, I need to keep a cool head or I'd get myself killed, and that attitude just gets carried over to my car driving.
Bryan, your XRT has dingoballs doesn't it!

I don't swear playing LFS at all, but I do need to mellow out in my real driving. Although I only tend to swear when driving all alone, never if other people are in the car. Used to be a lot worse when I was younger...

As for things that drive me berserk on the real road:

-As mentioned, tailgaters.
-Driving below the speed limit when not necessary (clear conditions etc)
-People not able to see which lane a car is in & thus not making a turn in to the near lane because a car is coming in the far lane.
-People not turning right into their lane because they want to wait for the entire stampede of cars turning into the far lane (usually because that stampede has a left turning arrow)
-People STOPPING IN THE MERGE LANE :gnasher:. How can someone actually stop when there is an entire LANE for 500 to 1000 feet right in front of them?
-People waiting to turn when there is 1/4 mile between them and the approaching traffic. IE, Sit and wait until the car on the horizon passes when probably 3-4 cars could've proceeded safely easily.
I don't swear whilst playing LFS. I don't swear whilst driving in real life. In fact, I don't tend to speak at all, especially when I'm on my own concentrating on driving (either real or simulated).

Swearing is, generally, for chavs, morons and eejits in my book. An intelligent person can always think of a polite and more appropriate word. Some times it will even increase the condescention meant to the other person.

I do, however, swear very occasionally when I'm with friends. But even then it's rare.
Yeah I agree with you Tristan. But now Kev is going to come and swear at us

I would point out that I'm not proud at all of my swearing when driving alone, and am trying to rectify it.

Do you swear alot while driving?
(95 posts, started )