The online racing simulator
Do you swear alot while driving?
(95 posts, started )
Kev was County Swearing Champion back when he was 9 if I remember correctly. Can attribute it to lots of practice and very low self esteem
Quote from tristancliffe :Swearing is, generally, for chavs, morons and eejits in my book.


Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :Yeah I agree with you Tristan. But now Kev is going to come and swear at us

Damn it...

Quote from tristancliffe :An intelligent person can always think of a polite and more appropriate word.

I've got a broader vocabulary than anybody I know and yet I still manage to find plenty of uses for swear words. I think that people who don't swear are lacking imagination.

Quote from tristancliffe :Kev was County Swearing Champion back when he was 9 if I remember correctly. Can attribute it to lots of practice and very low self esteem

My earliest swearing memory was when I was 7, me and the other urchins on my street decided to graffiti the rudest words we knew on a nearby garage wall. I painted "piss". Ian Firth from up the street (who was 9) painted "tits". We all stared at it, turned to him and in unison demanded "What's tits?".
Quote from thisnameistaken :I think that people who don't swear are lacking imagination.

Wouldn't it be the opposite? I mean it's more like ... "I can't think of a non-swear to express my feelings... *&$*&$^*$" as far as I can tell.

That being said, when I was helping our landlord put up some drywall, he accidentally dropped his hammer and promptly spouted the phrase "fiddler's f*ck!!111" with great zeal. I did almost experience spantaneous urination due to laughter at that, it was the funniest swear I'd ever heard...

Years later when I was filling some jugs of acid, I managed to spill some on my pants; sans apron. It spilled on an important area of my pants, and I spontaneously shouted "fiddler's f*ck, I've corroded my penis!11" and ran out of the room to rectify the situation. Those that were in the room erupted in laughter so severe that I came back to red faces, tears, and dwindling chuckles.

So I do appreciate the odd expletive's artistic merit... But if used more than few and far between it loses it's punch.
Well yeah, there's a world of difference between people who are so brain-dead that they use obscenities as punctuation, and people who can use them appropriately and effectively.

Language is a living thing. Words come and go, and all the four-letter ones have been with us for centuries. If you think of it in terms of evolution (I know you don't believe in evolution but bear with me ) then they must be especially "fit" words.
My brother curses all over the place while he drives, and he talks to himself. He guns it around turns and tends to really risk it. Scary as hell.

In LFS i only curse when i hit someone. It's usually me going, "oh ****, my fault" to myself.
I swear too much when I play LFS. Usually when I run wide, I shout "Get the **** back on the ****ing track" or something similar. When people cut me off I can get angry as well. I can get frustrated really easily
I'm a first class **** on the track
Quote from UncleBenny :i hate people who don't know how to merge with traffic when getting onto the highway. the on-ramp is there for a reason, by the time you are pulling into my lane you better be doing the speed limit or else i'm not going to be to happy about it. i can't stand when people merge right in front of me doing 35 in a 55.

YEAH!!! I thought that only happened in Spain :bannana_p
Quote :That would depend on the conditions I would have thought, there's no way you are going to fail for taking care in bad weather for example, as long as you are 'making progress'.

Obviously in bad weather yes, going slower is the right thing to do. But in clear dry conditions when 60 is safe, doing 45 is at best irritating and at worst dangerous. When I was learning, I was taught to do the maximum safe speed for the conditions.
In LfS I swear when I do something stupid.
"Turn you B*tch!" is one I use very freguently.
Note to self: tweak set to turn more

IRL I swear when other drivers do something stupid.
I never swear about games or anything when there are no people around. However, I do swear lots when I'm playing games with people on vent etc. Especially back in the days when I was just starting to speak English on a regular basis I managed to invent some of the most interesting swear-words - and I still do!

An example of a phrase coming out during a moment of heavy focus:
"Ohh... that guy is just a b*tch in the ass... errr pain."

To me, swearing is just a tool of language, and I love using that tool when I'm around people whom I know will not be offended when I swear - same for them. I never, ever swear in public though.
OMFG are you all crazy???? i LOVE tailgater's if im doing the speed limit and someone come's up behind me like they wanna jump my boot i slow right down and watch them get angry then if the lights go orange i floor it and they have to stop to the red, i find it hillarios!!! but if someone's sitting below the limit then i sit right behind them, my theory is that is people wanna be slo the Want tailgater's and im happy to be one!
Quote from kester :OMFG are you all crazy???? i LOVE tailgater's if im doing the speed limit and someone come's up behind me like they wanna jump my boot i slow right down and watch them get angry then if the lights go orange i floor it and they have to stop to the red, i find it hillarios!!! but if someone's sitting below the limit then i sit right behind them, my theory is that is people wanna be slo the Want tailgater's and im happy to be one!

I just hope that you have a bloody good insurance policy, and that you ALWAYS wear a seatbelt, and that your airbags work, because sure as hell bud, one of these fine days you are going to go right through one of these people that "wanna be slo"
In my experience, people who crawl along slow are usually grannies and/or total n00bs..and as such, are likely to slam on the brakes for no apparent reason..maybe they saw a little kitty crossing the road about a mile ahead...but they panic because they are nervous, and then some f**king idiot who thinks its k00l to tailgate ruins their day.
As for the people who come up on you when you are on the speed do what? you slow down deliberately to frustrate them...what size baseball bat does your head take??

Grow up before its too late.
#64 - Jakg
Seeing as this has all gone a bit OT.

Every day i go almost the same way to School, most of the roads have a 60 MPH limit, now usually this is no problem, and i try my hardest not to be a hazard, however i've yet to hold someone up (as my bike has a top speed of 50) - yet what annoys me most is people who do 30, the road is straight, and clear, and dry, and yet narrow enough so i can't overtake. And yet they do 30 :X

If a guy on a 50cc bike is behind you and getting annoyed, TRY THE OTHER PEDAL!

Bad luck for you there mate ^^
Or maybe you just doesn`t have thet l33t overtaking skills?
Quote from Jakg :Seeing as this has all gone a bit OT.

Every day i go almost the same way to School, most of the roads have a 60 MPH limit, now usually this is no problem, and i try my hardest not to be a hazard, however i've yet to hold someone up (as my bike has a top speed of 50) - yet what annoys me most is people who do 30, the road is straight, and clear, and dry, and yet narrow enough so i can't overtake. And yet they do 30 :X

If a guy on a 50cc bike is behind you and getting annoyed, TRY THE OTHER PEDAL!


You're doing it wrong.
You 2-wheelers are meant to undertake us 4 wheeled lot...seems that way up here anyway
I do get extremely frustrated sometimes and yes i do swear a lot when driving (specially in LFS). But only when the closest person is in the next car, or if in lfs, miles away. I think someone entering the room when I'm really irritated would have an heart attack, or just laugh their head off. However, people usually refer to me as a very calm person, which i am on an everyday basis. In fact if you'd know me personally, (IRL i mean) you'd probably never guess i have these outbursts of anger. Also I think that everyone should have an anger release with a push of a button, because anger which is always kept in, can lead to unforeseen consequences, believe me, i have seen some really bad shit involving people who usually are very quiet and collected, you'd never see them swearing, but if they

Need an anger release? Try Richard Burns Rally, i mean really try to get good at it.
I always get angry when i play FIFA for PS3, mainly 'cos i get hammered on Amateur mode or mp.
Quote from myx :Do you swear alot while driving? Do you easiliy get pissed off at other drivers?

Nope. Not in real-life and not in :lfs: ... not at all. I'm too busy driving.
The most I swear when driving is when I'm about to drive my car into a shed/fence and say things like "crud" or some jazz. I then use "What the deuce?!" a lot when someone does something that leaves me gob smacked. Like this chap who pulled out in front of me so I had to brake hard, then he spent the next 200 yards driving on the wrong side of the road.
@ bladeruner
i only sit 2-5 km/h under not slo but enough to anoy, and dont sit right up the bottoms either coz that is stupid but, i sit far enough away from them so they know there going slow, or turn my headlights on! and i am talking like 10-40km/h under the limit!
Haha, my mate's brother is hilarious when he's in the car. Even something like a red traffic light will make him curse and hit the steering wheel, then he'll shout at it constantly until it turns green.

Because as we all know, they are voice activated and the louder you are, the faster it will change.
Quote from Crashgate3 :Haha, my mate's brother is hilarious when he's in the car. Even something like a red traffic light will make him curse and hit the steering wheel, then he'll shout at it constantly until it turns green.

Because as we all know, they are voice activated and the louder you are, the faster it will change.

That is why they want to bring in psychological examinations as part of the licence gaining process. So naturally aggressive people have to go on anger management courses and be hailed a success to get their licence. Plus a whole other range of psychological conditions which some think tank have decided causes bad drivers.
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :That is why they want to bring in psychological examinations as part of the licence gaining process. So naturally aggressive people have to go on anger management courses and be hailed a success to get their licence. Plus a whole other range of psychological conditions which some think tank have decided causes bad drivers.

Good thing, there are too many agressive drivers out in the traffic, that never ever should have their lisence, pure hazards they can be. But there is aswell thse snails that is a danger too, maybe they also need to take some sort of a course eh?
I don't swear in LFS until I make a stupid mistake. Like getting it crossed up then fudging it and overdoing the recovery. South City also makes me swear a lot when I keep taking right angled corners wrongly and clipping the inside wall, lap after lap even though I keep telling myself each time to take the correct line.

In the car on my own I swear like a trooper, and tend to use "f**k" as a form of punctuation. Pet hates are boy racers that are incapable of driving anywhere without tyres squealing and stereo pumping; middle lane hoggers that should be shot in the head; dumb platinum blonde bitches aged 50 or more in their Range Rover Sports but have no clue about how to drive; people that drive across the Tyne Bridge at 28mph in the outside lane, dodging nervously everytime a bus goes the opposite way in the outside lane; the vast majority of BMW and Audi drivers; and finally people that blatantly and deliberately ignore "no right turn" signs, often causing a real danger in the process. I'd love for them to get rammed by an HGV unable to stop, but even then sadly it would still be the HGV's fault.

Oh, and I also hate the recent trend of putting your rear fog lights on when there's a bit of spray on the motorway. F**k off, I can't see your brake lights anymore, how does that make you safer?

Do you swear alot while driving?
(95 posts, started )