yeah, endurance days would be cool
. but is there something built in right now? some day i was driving on SS2 on track SO3r (what a great track, never driven before that
) and there were 27 laps or so to go (it's a really short track). and after 6-7 race the software decreases the lap count again. is the race length adjusted directly after the first race on a new track, or could it take some races ? i think for the higher servers there should be a longer races, so both increase: the number of points you can get and the concetration is needed to not get yellows
. i think endurance days would be also nice to populate the higher tiers (i would not setup entrance servers for longer races). there is still the lack of drivers on SS2, although there are enough drivers who could drive SS2, so again i come with my thought of extrem point reduction for higher licences on lower tiers