Hey folks.. I'm stumped. I'm trying to query a table and one of the records, the value of the field I'm looking up begins with a "#". So I escape the "#" with "\#" and search, and it's still not finding the record. Am I missing a trick?
SELECT `#column1`, `column2` FROM `table` etc. etc.
mysql> select name from host where name like '#%';
| name |
| # ^3www.HPR-Network.com ^7#1 |
| # ^3www.HPR-Network.com ^7#2 |
| ##Bordeaux_FRA_Bismuths## |
| #Hughesie |
| #^4bia-clan ^8LFS-Racing |
| #^4bia-clan ^8LFS-Racing ^4II |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE column1 like '#%'
"SELECT * FROM db.teams_details WHERE teams_name = '" & NoSQLInject(Request.QueryString("Team")) & "'"