Didn't we already do this, with a pole even? I'll say it again though, FZR. It's the only one I REALLY like. The FOX is growing on me in some of the tracks, it's a blast at SO Long. I don't like any of the FWD or AWD, so that takes care of the RB4, FXO, XFR, UF1, UFR, and FXR. The XR is ok for FWD, I usually only like to run it when there's noone racing in S2 and I jump into demo (yes, in the States, there is often noone RACING, they are all practicing or qualifying. I can do that offline). I don't like the F08 at all either. Hmm, I guess there's not many I do like, but at least there is one in each class that I'll drive, XR Turbo for TBO, either LX6 or FZ50 for LFR, and I don't have any experience with the LX4 at all.