The online racing simulator
Just thought I'd drop a quick line in here to say hello. I've been racing in LFS for a few weeks now, starting to get consistent enough to have some real fun online at the moment. After having lusted after one for literally months and months I bought a G25 as my first real introduction to sim racing, I was a bit dissapointed with it until I got LFS up and running which even with my rather ancient computer is still an awesome experience (although not really up to 20+ car grids I found out the other night).

I'm pretty much sticking to racing the FOX for now, and really liking the feeling of pb's tumbling with every good session (down to 1:11.67 on BLGP at the moment).
Hello all,

What an amazing game!

Just wanted to say hello, see you on the track.
Hey guys!! just thought I'd say hi. signed up a few days ago and got my wheel yesterday. If anyone has any tips please share

Quote from ddelusional :Just thought I'd drop a quick line in here to say hello. I've been racing in LFS for a few weeks now, starting to get consistent enough to have some real fun online at the moment. After having lusted after one for literally months and months I bought a G25 as my first real introduction to sim racing, I was a bit dissapointed with it until I got LFS up and running which even with my rather ancient computer is still an awesome experience (although not really up to 20+ car grids I found out the other night).

I'm pretty much sticking to racing the FOX for now, and really liking the feeling of pb's tumbling with every good session (down to 1:11.67 on BLGP at the moment).

Hello mate. I'm new too. maybe we can meet up for a bit of beginner rivalry online???
I have been racing for a couple of months and have secured a Bronze rating. The only CTRA i can get on is CTRA1 with the XFG or XRG. I want to race the FOX but don't know where I can get onto the CTRA server. Others have said you need to be silver but I have seen other racers stats who are still bronze. Help please
You don't need any licence to join the CTRA FOX server. The single-seater licence is seperated from the main licence. You can just join the Single Seater 1 server and drive the FOX.
Thanks Zeugnimod. How can I access the server to race the single seaters. When I log into LFS and multiplayer it gives me a few servers including CTRA1 but nothing for the FOX. Please help me.
The server name is "CTRA Single Seaters 1". It should show up in your list.

The only thing I can think of is that you have a filter on. If you do, click on the car names above the server list until all are black. THe other filters at the bottom are self-explanatory.
Thanks a lot. You've been great. Hope to race against you soon. I race by the name of Si.
So you found it? Glad I could help.

I'm sure we will see each other on the servers.
#888 - EyE
Hi! )
Hi !
My name is Damir, I'm from Russia.
Whole year I was trying to play demo version and yesturday I've registered S2 License!
Quote from J@tko :After a week - your pb is 1.35.45!! Jesus Christ!! It took me about 2-3 months to get a 1.35 and about another 1-2 to get a 1.34! But, 1.34 is a huge barrier - my PB is 1.34.24 with kb, but that's really the best I can do.

Hmmm yeah I guess I was rather fast. Improvement has been relatively slow after this. Today I did 1:34.25 as new pb. In theory I'm capable of doing a very high 1:33. but that's with my best times for each sector. So I either have to drive perfectly or find somewhere to win time in general.
my names Chaz demo driver for now soon to be s2
hi people,

im santi from spain, a S2 licensed user, learning about LFS world hope to see you on the track ;-)

"if you drive dont drink"
#892 - c3b
Hi everyone I`m a new S2 driver from Gothenburg, Sweden. I`m still learning the game.

See you all on the track!

Quote from santiago.diaz :hi people,

im santi from spain, a S2 licensed user, learning about LFS world hope to see you on the track ;-)

"if you drive dont drink"

Bienvenido al mundo S2 del LFS!!!
Tenemos un español en nuestro team. Espero que disfrutes tanto como nosotros este simulador
#894 - Waz
I'm 11 year old boy from finland (as you can see from flag) and this is first racing sim i play. I have two wheels to play with G25 and Microsoft sidewinder FFB wheel. Hopefully i learn to drive domeday.
Before LFS i played RBR alot and sometimes I accidently left-foot-brake on corners.
Btw hi!

"3. Unlock Rules and Regulations
3.1 You may install S1 or S2 on 2 computers for your own use or to race a friend on a Local Network."

Is 2 computers maximum? I ask because we have 2 computers home and one on my grandmother's house and i'm visiting my grandmother every weekend. Would be fun to play here too but i don't want to break rules.
You can install LfS on as many computers as you want, IF it's for your own use (or to play with a friend over LAN)... The 2 computers is because you only got 3 unlocks when you buy the licence... You get one additional unlock per week to a total of 3 (or 2?) unlocks, so you can unlock 3 computers per week, but for another one you'll need to wait another week...
#896 - Waz
Quote from bbman :You can install LfS on as many computers as you want, IF it's for your own use (or to play with a friend over LAN)... The 2 computers is because you only got 3 unlocks when you buy the licence... You get one additional unlock per week to a total of 3 (or 2?) unlocks, so you can unlock 3 computers per week, but for another one you'll need to wait another week...

Thanks! I misunderstood that rule then. Happy to hear that I can install LFS on all computers.
Quote from santiago.diaz :hi people,

im santi from spain, a S2 licensed user, learning about LFS world hope to see you on the track ;-)

"if you drive dont drink"

welcome !! be ready to enjoy most here with us !
Hi all
Just some word to say hi to the lfs communauty.
See you on track
Hi guys im a new player although have had the demo for quite some time. Im used to playing with a logitech gamepad but i just got a logitech momo steering wheel yesterday. I look forward to racing with you guys and sorry if im not very good at first. Adam
new player
hi all, been racing demo for about a month under the name reflex can get into low 1.34 xrg, have just got the g25 and im struggling compared to my wingman game pad. anyone recomend a good league to race for a beginer, as just purchased s2 licence

New players say hi here
(3742 posts, started )