The online racing simulator
For use to people who want to build
Hello, today i was experimenting around on excel, such as data > Validation, and Naming files and stuff, and i came up with a good idea.

I hope to expand this to something with every single Motherboard, CPU etc.

You just have to enter your a digit or something...and then click on the component, (E2180, Q6600, 8800GTS) box...and the it will have a little scroll thing you can use.

Also, please can you help me on any ways to make it look professional? it looks quite...too colorful, if you know what i mean

Please is an EXCEL file...

If you have any improvements, please suggest them to me....i'm planning to finish this project within an Hour and a bit tomorrow or something

Attached files
Customise a PC.rar - 15 KB - 167 views
seems like this would be out of date pretty quick, plus it neglects the fact that you can find stuff on sale/with rebates. unless this updates itself from websites i can't see it being all that useful. if people are this lazy they shouldn't be building computers.

i'd look at the excel file but i don't have winrar on this computer.
oh ok...but why would it go out of date, are there already programmes like this...also, is there any way to transfer the Excel into something more, a work document or something...?
Quote from harjun :oh ok...but why would it go out of date, are there already programmes like this...also, is there any way to transfer the Excel into something more, a work document or something...?

out of date because new stuff comes out and prices change. unless you plan on updating everything.
yes, i do infact plan updating it every week...and im not going to be adding like...random £20 motherboards, only "good" stuff

As for the cases...they will just be random...

It's just to give people an idea of how much they can do...etc.
#6 - dadge
chances are, people who are planning on building their own system already know what they're doing (except a few harjun ). if they didn't , they would ask for advice on what to get (harjun). a beter idea would be to have a util that searches all known componant sites for an item (which you decide in the dropdown list) within a price range (which you decide).
i have searched on sites for prices..and my prices are quite accurate, ex. the way, as i mentioned, its only a tool to help you kind of see if you're over/under budget, and how much stuff costs...i would appreciate it if i were to build a 2nd computer
#8 - ajp71
Honestly I think it's a fairly rubbish solution to a problem that doesn't exist.

What's wrong with using a good site for searching (ie. OcUK) to see roughly what different things will cost?
ok...don't flame me for thinking that this would be quite a cool tool...and i'm sorry for wasting 30 mins doing this...and this was my first ever time i've used excel...
you should make it online and have it grab prices real time from various sites. that would be sweet.
Quote from harjun :ok...don't flame me for thinking that this would be quite a cool tool...and i'm sorry for wasting 30 mins doing this...and this was my first ever time i've used excel...

As an exercise in using Excel it's not bad, just think about whether there's a need/advantage in it (I can't see one) before you put lots of time and effort into it
#12 - Jakg
This is the first time you've used Excel?!

3rd best school in the country my arse.
Alrighty Harjun, ur in luck. I just happened to be extremely bored when I read your post, so I thought I'd give it a go.

I attached screen shots of the 3 pages because I did it in Office '07, so if the '03 compatible version got messed up, at least you can see what it looked like here.

I've also included both the '03 and '07 version of the file.
Attached images
Attached files
Customize a PC.rar - 33.2 KB - 156 views
For an exercise in excel its pretty good, but that’s about it. It would be very time consuming to keep up to date, who decides what components are good and how (why are they good?) also some sites have something that does what you're trying to do but better, no offence intended. I'd also always include VAT otherwise it's pretty much meaningless.

There are also some basic errors, AMD have more than socket AM2, just because a component is expensive doesn't mean it needs more power and just because a power supply is expensive doesn't mean its any good.

...and I thought it was 4th best?
thank you for that looks alot better now, in fact i use work 2007 too...

Also, for the "would you like your computer ready built" maybe it should have, include a Yes in the column....and that adds £20 on the extra price...?
Quote from Jakg :This is the first time you've used Excel?!

3rd best school in the country my arse.

I didn't go to such a high placing school, but I didn't use Excel until I w as about 13 or 14. Admittedly I'm a bit older, so MS Office was slightly less widespread in schools, and the teachers weren't very computer literate anyway.

What I don't understand is why all school work has to be word processed these days? No wonder everyone has terrible handwriting these days. I had to hand write all my essays, bar public presentations, until uni. And even then a lot of my work was done by hand.

It's not even just about convenience - the schools (around here, that I know of) won't accept hand written work once your about 14!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, let me get started on how much easier exams are these days...
yes it is the first time i've used excel, i thought i was introduced to me a few years back as a website making i didn't really bother
Quote from harjun :thank you for that looks alot better now, in fact i use work 2007 too...

Also, for the "would you like your computer ready built" maybe it should have, include a Yes in the column....and that adds £20 on the extra price...?

I did that I think.

Quote from tristancliffe :What I don't understand is why all school work has to be word processed these days? No wonder everyone has terrible handwriting these days. I had to hand write all my essays, bar public presentations, until uni. And even then a lot of my work was done by hand.

It's not even just about convenience - the schools (around here, that I know of) won't accept hand written work once your about 14!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At Virginia Tech here, every engineering student is required to have not just a laptop, but a Tablet PC ANDa 160 gig backup drive. Interestingly enough though, we are not allowed to type up our engineering reports... they're hand-written in OneNote! So, interestingly, technology has come such a long way that we're going full circle, lol.
it didn't work because you hadn't put Yes No in alphabetical order in the admin tables

I got it all working now though...thanks so much though
#20 - Jakg
Quote from tristancliffe :What I don't understand is why all school work has to be word processed these days? No wonder everyone has terrible handwriting these days. I had to hand write all my essays, bar public presentations, until uni. And even then a lot of my work was done by hand.

Doesn't have to be done be typed, but for stuff like Applied Science AS Level, when i'm writing a 1,500+ word report each week or two, if the teacher gives me a few corrections then typing a few extra words and re-printing is a million times easier than hand-writing the whole thing out again. Still people do though
updated the admin tables to Every single Intel processor...with Exact prices, Ex. VAT, but i will add VAT 17.5% as a Gross total in the end...

I decided not to add AMD to my lists, as i don't know whats popular in AMD, and their popular Motherboards,

Also; if anyone could list some popular Intel Motherbaords, like some more Asus ones, and Gigabit...etc., and prices if you want, but i can probably find their prices myself

why not add amd? you have just removed at least 50% of any (if there is any) interest. way to go numpty. i thought you said you knew lots about computers? and yet you don't know much about AMD.......tut tut tut. are you going to drop ATI too because it's not in your machine?
Quote from dadge :why not add amd? you have just removed at least 50% of any (if there is any) interest. way to go numpty. i thought you said you knew lots about computers? and yet you don't know much about AMD.......tut tut tut. are you going to drop ATI too because it's not in your machine?

I was thinking about dropping Ati...but i changed my mind...i've got a few Ati beasts in there...but i just know NOTHING about AMDs...i've never had one, apart from in my laptop.
have you tried researching them. the more info you know about a wide range of products, the better you can advise others on what to get. people want the best for their money, and in some cases that means going for a cheaper cpu than the intels. just because you have not got one, doesn't mean that they should be excluded from your project.
tip #1 ATI are AMD (AMD bought them out a year or two ago)
well then dadge...maybe you can help me with the AMD and ATI side of it?